When a lot of people move to cities Three types: Metropolitan area (main city and other small cities nearby) Conurbation (urban area formed by two cities) Megalopolis (cluster of cities) Functions: ▪ Residential ▪ Commercial ▪ Industrial ▪ Political ▪ Cultural ▪ Tourism
What city is this?
Is it a metropolitan area conurbation, or megalopolis?
Conurbation! Because it includes San Francisco Oakland etc.
What city is this?
Chicago! Is it a metropolitan area, conurbation, or megalopolis?
Metropolitan area! Why? Because other cities nearby like River Forest, Oak Park Because there are 2 airports There are lots of shopping malls
Chain of Urban Areas (transnational megalopolis)
Orthogonal (checkerboard) Radiocentric (streets curve) Irregular (no shape)
What city is this?
London! What’s its grid plan?
What city is this?
Suburbs (areas outside of the city center) Industrial areas Centre
What city is this?
Alcobendas! Suburb? Industrial? Or Centre?
What city is this?
Detroit! Suburb? Industrial? Centre?
What city is this?
Is this photo of a suburb? Centre? Or industrial area?