Think about a small town that you know. Make a list of the types of 5+ activities that go on in the town. Small Town Major Metropolitan Center (Big City!)
How might the position of a place in a settlement hierarchy affect the people in that place?
Small Town Major Metropolitan Center (Big City!)
The cost in terms of time and effort to reach people from a given location
A system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.
Teachers Students Principal Academy Leader (aka. Assistant Principal) Academic Deans (aka. Guidance Councelor)
Major Metro Center City - Wilmington Town (think small city) Suburb (think mostly homes) Village (think reeeeeeeeaaaly small city)
Major Metro Center – Philadelphia, City - Wilmington Town - Dover Suburb - Bear Village - Selbyville
Order the settlements from highest accessibility value (top) to lowest accessibility value (bottom)
5 minutes! Work with a partner for your handout
Sample Hierarchy Chart Settlement type ranked by accessibility value ExampleSample Activities Major metro centerPhiladelphiaMajor league baseball stadium, bank H.Q., Museum of Art, law firms, major bank branch, company H.Q., restaurants, department store, shopping malls, supermarket, banks, fast food places, drug store CityWilmingtonLaw firms, minor league baseball stadium, company H.Q., restaurants, department store, shopping malls, supermarket, banks, fast food places, drug store TownDoverLaw firms, restaurants, department store, shopping malls, supermarket, banks, fast food places, drug store SuburbBearDepartment store, restaurants, shopping malls, supermarket, banks, fast food places, drug store VillageSelbyvilleSupermarket, banks, fast food places, drug store Pyramid 1 Pyramid 2 Pyramid 3
Title (ex: Settlement Type) Ranked Info (ex: Settlement Types: Major Metro Center, City, Town, Suburb, Village) Leave this blank, it will be covered up
Cut here too!
Fold Here!
1. Where do you live? 2. What type of settlement is it? 3. List 5 examples of activities (business, recreational, etc.). 4. List 3 examples of activities (business, recreations, etc.) that DO NOT, but occur in a larger settlement type
Sample Hierarchy Chart Settlement type ranked by accessibility value ExampleSample Activities Major metro centerPhiladelphiaMajor league baseball stadium, bank H.Q., Museum of Art, law firms, major bank branch, company H.Q., restaurants, department store, shopping malls, supermarket, banks, fast food places, drug store CityWilmingtonLaw firms, minor league baseball stadium, company H.Q., restaurants, department store, shopping malls, supermarket, banks, fast food places, drug store TownDoverLaw firms, restaurants, department store, shopping malls, supermarket, banks, fast food places, drug store SuburbBearDepartment store, restaurants, shopping malls, supermarket, banks, fast food places, drug store VillageSelbyvilleSupermarket, banks, fast food places, drug store Pyramid 1 Pyramid 2 Pyramid 3
1. Where do you live? 2. What type of settlement is it? 3. List 5 examples of activities (business, recreational, etc.). 4. List 3 examples of activities (business, recreations, etc.) that DO NOT, but occur in a larger settlement type 5. Draw a picture of where you live My Settlement
Any activity has a minimum (threshold) population needed to keep it in business. Activities with large threshold requirements will need access to large populations
Use the following map to describe a hierarchy in the patterns of settlement
there are more people (e.g. employees) in the larger settlements higher in the settlement hierarchy there are likely to be a large number of small places and far fewer large places in the hierarchy
True = thumbs up False = thumbs down
You will take the role of state health planners, trying to decide where to locate Delaware’s next new hospital. Use geographical analysis based on the hierarchy principle to determine the most likely location.