Our Vision: A Safer Community FESA use of Points of Interest Data
Our Vision: A Safer Community POI Usage SDE Corporate Geodatabase SLIP-EM 000 Call Centre (COMCEN) FCAD Map Display Geocoders Corporate GIS Emergency Operational Support FESA POI Processing Mapping Analysis Data Custodians (Geonoma) FESA Data Collection Data Storage Under Development Functions to be decommissioned in 2011
Our Vision: A Safer Community Corporate/Operational Value Adds value to an all hazard approach to operational and corporate map products: Search and Rescue – e.g. refuge locations, waterholes etc Bushfire – e.g. water access points, critical infrastructure locations Tropical Cyclone – e.g. mining camps, tourist locations Storm and Flood – e.g. homesteads/shearing sheds, fuel points HAZMAT – locations of significant risk and hazardous goods
Our Vision: A Safer Community Emergency Dispatch FESA’s emergency dispatch system FESA CAD (FCAD) uses POI data as one of 4 searchable fields (others are RCL, PSA and Cadastre) POI “Common Place” is third level of FCAD searching (after PSA and RCL) however is still a very important component in the location of incidents in non-residential areas POI provides a better percentage result on poorly referenced 000 calls through to COMCEN
Our Vision: A Safer Community Common Place Searching The FCAD algorithm will automatically geocode the 000 call details entered firstly through PSA, then RCL, then to POI until a match is achieved COMCEN operators can also choose to perform a ‘common place’ search manually
Our Vision: A Safer Community FCAD Turnouts Response Instructions differ significantly from a scrub/bush turn-out as apposed to residential location. POI search on “Star Swamp Reserve” will ensure correct appliances respond to this type of incident.
Our Vision: A Safer Community Data Available in FESA POI External Data Sourced for POI Data developed by FESA for POI SSD FacilitiesBus Stops GeonomaPost Boxes SchoolsRest Areas Railway StationsConsulates Medical FacilitiesPolitical Offices Mining Locations Indigenous Communities Petrol Stations Public Toilets Licensed Premises Shopping Centres Supermarkets Post Offices (in development) Fast Food Franchises
Our Vision: A Safer Community POI Building Information collated into POI spreadsheet via research (business websites, White Pages and Google Streetview) BRAND NAMENAMEADDRESSSUBURBSOURCECLASS COLESBentley Centre1140 Albany HwyBentley Coles store location website Supermarket IGABindoon IGAL7 Binda PlBindoonIGA store location websiteSupermarket WoolworthsEaton Fair (Bunbury)Eaton Dr & Recreation DrEatonWoolworths store location website Supermarket Data geocoded for match address and spatial joins applied to shapefiles. Match_addrARC_StreetARC_Zone BRAND_ NAME NAMESOURCECLASS 1140 H ALBANY HWY, BENTLEY 1140 Albany HwyBentleyCOLES Bentley Centre Coles store locations website SUPERMA RKET 115 H CAMBRIDGE ST, WEST LEEDERVILLE 115 Cambridge Street West LeedervilleCOLES West Leederville Coles store locations website SUPERMA RKET Geocoding Known Business Address Match address on PSA
Our Vision: A Safer Community POI Developments Needed Addition of ‘alias tables’ to strengthen common place searches Addition of full facilities guide as per Streetsmart (any facility with occupancy) i.e. caravan parks, churches, taverns/motels etc Regional areas heavily reliant on geographical features for POI searching so needs to be comprehensive Feedback mechanism developed for POI management to move away from FESA responsibility