Cairo Egypt Mega city Marissa Brown
Demographics ₪There is an estimated 7.5 million residents in Cairo ₪The people of Cairo are known as Cairenes ₪90-94% of Cairenes are Muslim ₪Most Muslims are Sunni ₪A majority of the remaining are Coptic Christian ₪Also a declining number of Catholics and Jews ₪An increasing number of protestants mostly Episcopal ₪Most Cairenes speak Arabic with an Egyptian dialect ₪A significant percentage of the educated population are capable in English, French and/or Italian ₪The total number of poor persons in was 749,400. The unemployment rate in 1995 was 7.6%. Famous dish in Egypt: Kosheri(y)
Economy ₪Chief commercial and industrial center of Egypt. ₪Agriculture is an influential factor of Cairo’s economy ₪Local industries manufacture goods such as cotton textiles, food products, construction supplies, motor vehicles, aircraft, and chemical fertilizers. ₪Iron and steel are produced at Ḩ ulwān (suburb) ₪Center for government activities and service industries. ₪Because of the city's warm climate and numerous historical and cultural attractions, tourism plays an important role in its economy. ₪Cairo receives goods shipped on the Nile, ₪Products are sent by road, railroad, and waterway to the Mediterranean ports of Alexandria and Port Said. ₪Connected by train service to other major cities. ₪Important center for publishing and other forms of media. Its newspapers, exert wide influence within the Islamic world
Social, health, and Education Services ₪Plagued with countless illnesses: bacterial infections, viruses, parasitic infections, malnutrition, etc. ₪Serious air pollution from motor vehicles and factories combine to make Cairo's air pollution level one of the highest in the world. ₪Air quality is severe and comprises 2.1% of all deaths. ₪Infant mortality is 42.2 per 1000 live births ₪100 hospitals and 12,834 doctors in Cairo ₪Adult literacy rate (for people aged 15+) is 70.8%. ₪Enrollment ratios in schools: ٯ 93.9% for the total population ٯ 93.7% for females. ₪Labor force: 0.8% are in agriculture, 32.3% in industry, and 66.9% in services. ₪Professional and technical staff: 25.4%, and 70% of those of working age are employed in the informal sector.
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Cairo University