7. Jesus Christ Humbled Himself to Redeem Us
Ransom: The price paid to buy someone back.
Redeem: To buy back
Redemption: The act of buying back or rescuing.
How Did Jesus Redeem Us (Buy Us Back?) First, he ___lived__ as our Substitute (active obedience) Abraham
1. He obeyed the Law perfectly for us. Heb 4:15 p Rom 5:19 p. 1116
2. God credits His holiness to our account. 2 Cor 5:21 p. 1145
+ holy - sin = Life - holy + sin = Death My sins His Holiness Holy! Righteous! Saints!
3. Therefore we are holy in God’s sight.
How Did Jesus Redeem Us (Buy Us Back?) ~continued~ Secondly, he ___died__ as our Substitute (passive obedience).
1. God put all our sins on Jesus. Isaiah 53:3-6 p. 731 “Hide their faces” ???
2. He gave his life as a Ransom-price for the sins of all. Gal 3:13 p Mark 10:45 p _____goatscape
3. Therefore all our sins are forgiven.
substitute is… Vicarious Rom 3:23-25a p. 1114
perfect life willing death
…. Atonement … …for all
…. Justified (declared not guilty)
“Justify” is court room term. Just - as - if - I’d never sinned A change of our status in God’s eyes! 1st Class!!
To Redeem Us, God’s Son Had to Humble Himself Humbled himself???
Philippians 2:5-8 p conceived 2. born 3. suffered 4. crucified 5. died 6. buried
…rich…..poor 2 Cor 8:9 p $ $ $ $
For What Purpose Did Jesus Redeem Us?
1. …sin... Rom 6:18 p Freedom FROM...
…death... Rom 6:23 p. 1117
Devil... 1 John 3:8 p. 1208
…a life of serving Jesus on earth. 2 Cor 5:15 p Freedom FOR...
A perfect life to come in heaven. John 3:16 p. 1052
1. Earned by ____Jesus_ for __all people___. 1 John 2:2 p. 1207
2. Offered to __all_ through __the gospel___. Mark 16:15,16 p. 1011
1. Received _by faith_ Rejected by__unbelief John 3:16-18 p. 1052