January 2014
1. Topic sentences are still an area for improvement. Remember that you should do the following: Indicate the focus of the paragraph. Refer to the task. Make a connection to the theme. Try to vary your topic sentences. Avoid repetition and listing techniques.
2. We must ensure that we are putting our quotes in context in an effective manner. This makes it easier for the marker to understand the quote.
3. We must be more careful with our technical accuracy. Spelling, punctuation and expression must be accurate. 4. Ensure that we are using formal language and a wide range of mature vocabulary.
5. When explaining our quotes, make sure that we: Use critical terminology. Analyse and evaluate how effective the techniques are. Go into plenty of depth and detail. Fully explain your ideas. Avoid storytelling.
Remember: You are supposed to analyse and evaluate what happens in the text, and what the characters say and do. You are not supposed to just describe these things. Storytelling should be avoided.
6. Make more of a connection to the relevant themes of the text.
7. Knowledge of the text is an area for improvement. You must ensure that you have a very sound knowledge and understanding of the key scenes and important events that take place in the play and the reasons why the characters do and say what they do. You must ensure that you are not making factual errors in your essay.
9. We must ensure that we are reading and interpreting the question carefully. It is essential that we are addressing all the requirements of the question in our essay.
Choose a play in which a character feels insecure about his position within the society or social group to which he belongs. Show how the dramatist makes you aware of the character’s insecurity and discuss how it influences your appreciation of character and/or theme as a whole.
To answer this question effectively you must discuss and explain the following aspects of the play: Proctor lives in a very theocratic Puritan society in which the people are required to live their lives according to a strict religious code. Proctor has committed adultery, which is a grievous sin and a crime in this Puritan society. Therefore, he feels insecure about his position in the town as he knows that he would be ruined if the affair was ever revealed. He feels insecure because he knows that he is a sinner and a hypocrite. Therefore, he tries his best to keep the affair a secret s0 that he can maintain his good reputation in the town. He is also determined to redeem himself as he knows that he does not deserve this reputation.
His determination to keep the affair a secret in order to protect his reputation and his determination to redeem himself are the causes of all the decisions that Proctor makes in the play. Sometimes these two priorities cause him to make some very noble and heroic decisions. However, sometimes they clash and this causes him to make crucial errors of judgement (inner conflict). The decisions that he makes, and these errors, lead up to his arrest for witchcraft and eventual hanging. However, he dies having redeemed himself for his past sins and he dies with a good reputation in his society, no longer feeling insecure about his position.
This type of question is quite popular in the exam. You are sometimes asked to discuss how a character lives in a hostile environment, or how a character is alienated from his society. Back in June I gave you a presentation in which I discussed one of the central themes of the play- the conflict between the individual and society. This PowerPoint would be helpful for this type of question.
Choose a play which explores the nature of heroism. Discuss how the dramatist explores this central concern through his presentation of the main character.
To answer this question effectively you must discuss and explain the following aspects of the play: Proctor lives in a very theocratic Puritan society in which the people are required to live their lives according to a strict religious code. Proctor has committed adultery, which is a grievous sin and a crime in this Puritan society. Proctor feels intense guilt and shame about his sinful acts and he feels he doesn’t deserve his noble reputation. This motivates him to try to redeem himself as a husband, father and Christian. Reputation is very important to Proctor and he knows that he must keep the affair a secret as his reputation will be ruined if it is ever revealed to the town.
His determination to keep the affair a secret in order to protect his reputation and his determination to redeem himself are the causes of all the decisions that Proctor makes in the play. Sometimes these two priorities cause him to make some very noble and heroic decisions. However, sometimes they clash and this causes him to make crucial errors of judgement (inner conflict). The heroic decisions that he makes, and his errors, lead up to his arrest for witchcraft and eventual hanging. However, he dies a hero having redeemed himself for his past sins and he dies having truly earned his good reputation in his society.
10. Remember! For the vast majority of essays on “The Crucible” you should adopt a structure which allows you to focus on one Act in each of your four main body paragraphs, chronologically. However, one particular type of question might mean that you have to change this slightly.
Some questions might ask you to “choose a scene” or “choose a key scene”. In this case, the way that you structure your essay will depend upon where the scene takes place in the play (beginning, middle or end).
If the scene takes place at the beginning: Your opening main body paragraph would focus on the key scene and explain why it is significant. The rest of your three main body paragraphs would have to make a link back to that key scene to explain the implications of that scene.
If the scene takes place in the middle of the play: Paragraph 2 or paragraph 3 of the main body would focus on the key scene and explain why it is significant. The rest of your three main body paragraphs would have to make a link forward or link back to that key scene, in order to explain the implications of the scene.
If the scene takes place at the end of the play: Paragraph 4 of the main body would focus on the key scene and explain why it is significant and its implications. The rest of your three main body paragraphs would have to make a link forward to that key scene.
For all questions... Remember that all your main body paragraphs should be structured using P.Q.E and that you should provide secondary quotes.
1. Act upon the feedback that you have been given.
2. Revise all notes and resources on your two texts. Ensure that you know the texts inside and out. 3. Revise all notes and resources on critical essay skills: SQA success criteria. Structure. Answering the question. Model paragraphs. P.Q.E checklist.
4. Learn key quotes. 5. Write practice timed critical essays. 6. Practice writing introductions, main body paragraphs, conclusions.