Near to the Heart of God A Study of the Book of Hebrews Lesson 22 Hebrews 10:1 – 18 The Perfect Sacrifice: The Sacrifice that Perfects.


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Presentation transcript:

Near to the Heart of God A Study of the Book of Hebrews Lesson 22 Hebrews 10:1 – 18 The Perfect Sacrifice: The Sacrifice that Perfects

I. Introduction A.Our text is the author’s conclusion. B.We should expect some repetition. C.Three Old Testament texts are cited. 1. Psalm Jeremiah Psalm 40 a.How can these verses be applied to our Lord? b.Explain the author’s variation from Psalm 40:6. c.This is the first reference to Psalm 40. d.What is its unique meaning and contribution?

II. Prototypes vs. Perfection (10:1-4) A.The law is a prototype -- a shadow of good things to come -- but it is not able to perfect B.The repetition of O.T. sacrifices C.If sacrifices perfected, repetition would not be necessary. D.The law (and its sacrifices) could not redeem, but it did remind men that their sins were not removed. E.Examples 1. Monthly statements 2. Prisons don’t cure or correct, they contain

III. The Perfect Sacrifice Perfects (10:5-10:8) A.“Therefore” (v. 5) connects vss. 1-4 with B.The author’s citation of Psalm 40:6-8a 1. Cited from the Septuagint 2. Note the variation from Psalm 40:6 a.“a body you have prepared for me” (Hebrews 10:5) b.“My ears Thou hast opened” (Psalm 40:6) c.There are explanations d.But notice the result: a perfect prophecy when related to the Messiah

C.The unique contribution of Psalm 40 to Hebrews. 1. Not in attesting the ineffectiveness of the Old Covenant law and sacrifices since this point is often repeated in the Old Testament: a.Psalm 51:16-17 b.Isaiah 1:10-13; 66:3-4 c.Jeremiah 7:21-24 d.Hosea 6:6 e.Amos 5:21-24 f.Micah 6:6-8 g.Even devout Jews recognized this

2. The unique element is the emphasis on the willing, obedient, joyful submission of the Second Person of the Godhead to the incarnation and the cross. 3. The Old Testament sacrifices were of no value when not accompanied by submission and obedience to God (Jer. 7) Samuel It was the willing obedience of our Lord’s sacrifice (in part) that made His sacrifice superior.

IV. Sacrifices old and new: Christ’s sacrifice contrasted with the old (10:11-14) A.Contrasts Verse 11 Verse 12 Priests stoodChrist sat Priests offer dailyChrist offered once Didn’t take away sinsRemoved sin and perfected men B.Allusion to Psalm 110: The Priest is a King 2. He sat, but He is waiting 3. He will deal with His enemies

V. The Witness of the Spirit (10:15-18) A.The Spirit speaks through Jeremiah B.The sequence C.The results: 1. The law is written on men’s hearts 2. Sins are remembered no more D.Implications: There is no longer the need to make an offering for sin (verse 18). 1. Roman Catholicism 2. Our observance of the Lord’s Supper

VI. Conclusion A.A summary of 8:3—10:18 B.Application 1. In chapter 10 a. Positive: 10:18-25 b. Negative: 10: Our text gives perspective to other texts like Matthew 26:36-39; Philippians 2:5-8; John 19:30; Romans 10: Christ’s joyful obedience serves as an example to us. a. Psalm 40 b. Hebrews 12:4 c. Romans 12:1-2

Copyright © 2009 by Robert L. Deffinbaugh. This is the edited PowerPoint presentation of Lesson 22 in the series, Near to the Heart of God, A Study of the Book of Hebrews prepared by Robert L. Deffinbaugh for January 11, Anyone is at liberty to use this lesson for Educational purposes only, with or without credit.