Stage 6 Derivatives Pg 18-19
DerivationesVerba LatinaDefinitiones iAbsence iiAvarice iiiDebonair ivFortitude vFurtive absum, abesse, afuī To be absent avarus, -ī,M. Miser bonus, -a, -umGood fortis, fortis, forteBrave fur, -is, M.Thief
DerivationesVerba LatinaDefinitiones viInfantile viiInsuperable viiiIntentional ixLibertine xperforate infans, infantis, M.Baby superō, superāre, superavī To overcome intenteIntently libertus, -ī, M.Freedman Per + accusative Through
DerivationesVerba LatinaDefinitiones xiPulsate xiiRedeem xiiiRepublic xivTranscribe xvVituperate pulsō, pulsāre, pulsavī To hit emō, emere, emī To buy res, reī, F.Thing scribō, scribere, scripsī To write vituperō, vituperāre, vituperavī To curse
#Definitiones ATo scold harshly (Vituperate) BBabyish (Infantile) CGreed for money (Avarice) DThe state of being away (Absence) ETo buy back; to get or win back (Redeem) F A government in which supreme power resides in the body of citizens (Republic) GDone with a purpose or by design (Intentional) HSneaky; acting in a stealthy manner (Furtive) ISuave; urbane; of good family or nature (Debonair) KTo type or write out in full (Transcribe) LOne who leads an immoral or unrestrained life (Libertine) MTo throb rhythmically (Pulsate) NInner strength; firm courage (Fortitude) OTo pierce with holes (Perforate) PCannot be overcome (Insuperable)