1.Phones in the vault 3 rd, keep 5 th & 7 th 2.Sit with Chicken Teams 3.Addendum to rules—put in basket. 4.(3 rd ) Answer questions for “Opie and the Spoiled Kid” 5.(5 th & 7 th ) In your group, using your smart phone or one of the computers, find at least five statements about Generation Z entitlement. They can be statements that support or deny the claim that people in Generation Z feel entitled to rights and material goods previous generations did not. 6.Write these statements out as complete sentences and copy the URL of the source. Each person should turn in their own copy of the list of statements..
Questions about the Andy Griffith Episode entitled, entitling--a verb (used with object) 1) to give (a person or thing) a title, right, or claim to something; 2) furnish with grounds for making claim His executive position entitled him to certain courtesies rarely accorded others. entitlement—a noun 1) the act of entitling; 2) the state of being entitled Working overtime without complaint gave Julie the entitlement she needed to ask for a raise. List as many ways as you can remember that Arnie Winkler showed that he was spoiled. To what does Arnie feel he is entitled? (There may be more than one answer here.) How does Andy Griffith’s philosophy that you must “give to get” fit with the idea of entitlement? Andy also says, “If we don’t teach children to live in society today, how will they act when they are adults?” How do you think your own childhood fits into that philosophy? Give specific examples. More recently, can you think of a time when you thought you were entitled to something, but were in the wrong? Give specifics.
Tuesday, Jan th only (snow day on Wed, so 5 th & 7 th will do this on Friday) 1.Phones in the vault 2.Sit with Chicken Teams 3.Addendum to rules—put in basket. 4.Read “On Compassion” – once silently, once aloud (at least one person from each group has to read two paragraphs aloud). 5.Answer the questions about the essay on your own paper, working with your team. These answers should be in complete sentences! Every person should turn in their own copy of the answers.
Thursday, Jan. 15 – 4 th Only 1.Phones in the vault 2.Sit with Chicken Teams 3.Read “Two Tales…” – answer the following questions as a group on ONE paper: -In the case of the 300 kids who broke into the NFL player’s house, what ended up being the biggest problem in the player’s aim to let the kids redeem themselves? How do you feel about the result? -The football team in Utah was benched for the bad behavior of just some of the players. How to you feel about punishing the entire team, rather than just those involved in bad judgment? 4.Read the seven quotes on entitlement and decide which one represents an idea closest to your own. Copy the quote and author on a piece of paper and turn it in with your explanation. 5.You’ll turn in two papers today. One for the whole team, answering #3’s questions and one for yourself, dealing with #4.
Friday, Jan. 16 – 5 th & 7 th ONLY 1.Phones in the vault 2.Sit with Chicken Teams 3.Any late addendum to rules—put in basket. 4.Read “On Compassion” – someone needs to read it aloud as your team follows along (doesn’t have to be just one person) 5.Answer the questions (yellow paper) about the essay on your own paper, working with your team. These answers should be in complete sentences! Every person should turn in their own copy of the answers. 6.Read “Two Tales…” (same drill as above), then answer the following questions as a group on ONE paper: -In the case of the 300 kids who broke into the NFL player’s house, what ended up being the biggest problem in the player’s aim to let the kids redeem themselves? How do you feel about the result? -The football team in Utah was benched for the bad behavior of just some of the players. How to you feel about punishing the entire team, rather than just those involved in bad judgment? 7.Read the seven quotes on entitlement and decide which one represents an idea closest to your own. Copy the quote and author on a piece of paper and turn it in with your explanation. Make sure your name and period are on it. 8.You’ll turn in two papers today. One for the whole team, answering #6’s questions and one for yourself, dealing with #5 & 7.