“In the Fullness of Time” Galatians 4: The seed Galatians 4: The Source Galatians 4:4, The sons Galatians 4:6,7
“In the Fullness of Time” Galatians 4: The seed Galatians 4:1-3 a. a.The analogy 4:1,2 Roman - Toga virilis Jewish - Bar mitzvah Greek - Apatouria b. b.The Application Child – (nepios) = slave Elemental things – (stoicheion)
“In the Fullness of Time” Galatians 4: The Source Galatians 4:4,5 a. a.In the fullness of time - preparation Religiously Forsaking idolatry Developed synagogues Culturally - common language Politically Pax romana roads
“In the Fullness of Time” Galatians 4: The Source (continued) b. b.God sent forth His Son Father = Jesus Incarnation – Jesus humbly submitted c. c.Born of a woman – emphasis as a man d. d.Born under the Law – like all other men
“In the Fullness of Time” Galatians 4: The Source (continued) e. e.Redeem those under the Law Redeem – buy out or buy back i.e. slaves Slaves redeemed as freemen f. f.Adoptions as sons Status of sonship - not natural born child Childless Romans adopt young slave
“In the Fullness of Time” Galatians 4: The sons Galatians 4:6,7 a. a.Confirmation 4:6 Knowledge of sonship – truth of God’s Word Nature or sonship – indwelling Holy Spirit Abba Father b. b.Consummation 4:7 Our inheritance – Christ No longer slaves under the Law
“In the Fullness of Time” Galatians 4:1-7 Application Have you been adopted by the Father? Are you experiencing all the blessings that the manger brings?