Encarnação Alliance Bringing Christ’s Love to the World’s Slum-dwellers Bringing Christ’s Love to the World’s Slum-dwellers.


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Presentation transcript:

Encarnação Alliance Bringing Christ’s Love to the World’s Slum-dwellers Bringing Christ’s Love to the World’s Slum-dwellers

Who are the Encarnação Alliance? A network of urban poor ministries A network of urban poor ministries From Asia, Africa and Latin America From Asia, Africa and Latin America Incarnational ministry among the poor Incarnational ministry among the poor Servants, Servant Partners, Kairos, Servants, Servant Partners, Kairos, Movements preparing to evangelize Movements preparing to evangelize 3,500 cities. Seeking to mobilize 50,000 new cross cultural workers to the slums by ,500 cities. Seeking to mobilize 50,000 new cross cultural workers to the slums by 2010.

EncarnaçãoAlliance Vision Encarnação Alliance Vision The vision of the Alliance is to see churches established that proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God among the slum dwellers of the world’s poorest cities and model true Christian living on the example of Jesus Christ.

Encarnação Alliance Training Commission Macro goals Macro goals To train urban poor church planters To train urban poor church planters To train urban poor community development workers To train urban poor community development workers To network city leaders To network city leaders To develop a Kingdom perspective in God’s servants To develop a Kingdom perspective in God’s servants Micro Goals Micro Goals Train facilitators who will be able to; Train facilitators who will be able to; - Provide training - Pastor and mentor interns - Help interns become successful in their mission - Empower the interns to train others

Who are the people we are training for servanthood in the slums? Grass roots volunteers who want to plant a church or commence a community development project Grass roots volunteers who want to plant a church or commence a community development project Adults over 18 years of age who are semi- literate to literate Adults over 18 years of age who are semi- literate to literate Committed Christians who may have not yet been discipled Committed Christians who may have not yet been discipled Men and women recommended by the city leadership and in good standing with their local Church leadership Men and women recommended by the city leadership and in good standing with their local Church leadership

What methods are used to train the indigenous and cross cultural workers? An “andragogical” method appropriate for adult learners with experiences relevant to the learning process An “andragogical” method appropriate for adult learners with experiences relevant to the learning process Oral methods of learning and assessment Oral methods of learning and assessment Interactive small group learning aided by a facilitator Interactive small group learning aided by a facilitator Practical skills based on site learning Practical skills based on site learning Can use a dvd player or video cd media Can use a dvd player or video cd media

Training Goals An holistic worldview An holistic worldview Trainers will develop an holistic biblical worldview integrating the physical, spiritual, social and wisdom needs of the community Trainers will develop an holistic biblical worldview integrating the physical, spiritual, social and wisdom needs of the community Biblical Authority Biblical Authority Trainers will be committed to the authority of the Bible in the teaching of the kingdom of God and implementing its mandate. Trainers will be committed to the authority of the Bible in the teaching of the kingdom of God and implementing its mandate. Mark 16v15 Mark 16v15

Training Foundations Cont’d Jesus the embodiment Jesus the embodiment Jesus is the example of the person a Trainer Jesus is the example of the person a Trainer aspires to be and the incarnation of the Kingdom of God citizen on earth aspires to be and the incarnation of the Kingdom of God citizen on earth The Holy Spirit the executor The Holy Spirit the executor The Holy Spirit is the person of the Trinity who incarnates Jesus Christ in the life of the Trainer to fulfill the mandate of the Kingdom The Holy Spirit is the person of the Trinity who incarnates Jesus Christ in the life of the Trainer to fulfill the mandate of the Kingdom

Definition The Kingdom of God The Kingdom of God “The kingdom is a redemed social order under the reign of the Christlike God in which every relationship is Christlike, and each individual and social group – the family, the trade organisation, the State – comes not to be ministered unto but to minister, as perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect, and the whole of humanity incarnates the love of God as embodied in Jesus of Nazareth:” Dr Henry S Coffin, WCC, Missions Conference, Dr Henry S Coffin, WCC, Missions Conference, Edinburgh, 1910 Edinburgh, 1910

The Kingdom has a holistic impact on human and social order A Person A Person Body, Mind, Spirit Body, Mind, Spirit People are creating societies People are creating societies Jesus Christ is impacting people through the power of the kingdom of God at work in their lives Jesus Christ is impacting people through the power of the kingdom of God at work in their lives There is a conflict of powers and kingdoms There is a conflict of powers and kingdoms Social and Cultural Social and Cultural Political, Religious, Economic ideas Political, Religious, Economic ideas Societies cultures, order, laws, organizations, are shaping people Societies cultures, order, laws, organizations, are shaping people Sin the devil and evil powers impact society and its people too Sin the devil and evil powers impact society and its people too God calls us to exercise authority God calls us to exercise authority

We are living in the midst of Worldwide conflict & change Terrorism Terrorism War War Rebellion Rebellion Fear Fear Persecution Persecution Corruption Corruption Collapse of confidence Collapse of confidence But what is God doing in history ? But what is God doing in history ?

God’s redemptive plan in history He has covenanted to redeem all mankind.. He has covenanted to redeem all mankind.. In the O.T. it was with Israel; In the O.T. it was with Israel; In the N.T. it is Jesus’ disciples in a blood covenant. In the N.T. it is Jesus’ disciples in a blood covenant. Today it is with you in a new order under Christ’s rulership Today it is with you in a new order under Christ’s rulership His plan is to redeem everything back to its created order. His plan is to redeem everything back to its created order. The re-creation of social systems, powers, creation and mankind by the power of His Spirit. The re-creation of social systems, powers, creation and mankind by the power of His Spirit. The conflict with Satan is over authority/rulership. The conflict with Satan is over authority/rulership.

Who are God’s agents for the propagation of the Kingdom in the world? Disciples of Jesus Christ, Matt 28:18 Disciples of Jesus Christ, Matt 28:18 “A kingdom of priests..” Ex. 19:6, Rev 5:10 “A kingdom of priests..” Ex. 19:6, Rev 5:10 You and I as the Church of Jesus Christ, the ecclesia or called ones. Matt 16:18 You and I as the Church of Jesus Christ, the ecclesia or called ones. Matt 16:18 The Holy Spirit as the executor of the will of the Godhead The Holy Spirit as the executor of the will of the Godhead Acts 1:8, Eph 1:13 Acts 1:8, Eph 1:13 Angel’s cooperating with God in His work, John20:12 Angel’s cooperating with God in His work, John20:12

Planting Churches, and raising up godly communities is part of God’s Kingdom plan The disciples of Jesus Christ are to multiply and pioneer new communities of believers among every people group on earth. Matthew 24:14, 28:18-20 The disciples of Jesus Christ are to multiply and pioneer new communities of believers among every people group on earth. Matthew 24:14, 28:18-20 These communities are to redeem and transform societies by offering a godly alternative the secular/worldly social structures of mankind. Acts 2:41-47 These communities are to redeem and transform societies by offering a godly alternative the secular/worldly social structures of mankind. Acts 2:41-47

A commitment to ten Church planting principles 1) A willingness to suffer, to endure and to die 2) Cross-cultural proclamation among the unreached 3) Passionate, Focused Evangelism 4) Working in Teams 5) Long Term incarnational ministry 1) Working in Partnership 2) Avoid Dependency 3) Critical contextualization 4) Women in Ministry 5) Leadership Development

A theology and praxis of incarnation among the suffering poor A willingness to suffer, to endure and to die. A willingness to suffer, to endure and to die. (developing a Theology of suffering) (developing a Theology of suffering) Today there is no safe place in ministry Today there is no safe place in ministry Everyday Christians in the world are suffering for their faith, dying and being persecuted. Everyday Christians in the world are suffering for their faith, dying and being persecuted. Stephen Neil says in his book ”A History of Christian Missions “ Stephen Neil says in his book ”A History of Christian Missions “ ”Every Christian knew that sooner or later he might have to testify at the cost of his life” ”Every Christian knew that sooner or later he might have to testify at the cost of his life”

We need a new generation of Christian workers who are resolved to pay the ultimate price… ” I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.“ Galatians 2:20 ” I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.“ Galatians 2:20 God is looking for lives that He can live in, lives that would let Him shine through in compassion and mercy God is looking for lives that He can live in, lives that would let Him shine through in compassion and mercy ”The poor must experience Jesus when they experience us. “ l ”The poor must experience Jesus when they experience us. “ l

A willingness to suffer “God’s finest tool in our lives is the tool of suffering”. Corrie Ten Boom. “God’s finest tool in our lives is the tool of suffering”. Corrie Ten Boom. Once broken and once renewed we are better equipped to understand others and to reach others Once broken and once renewed we are better equipped to understand others and to reach others

Suffering and Endurance ”For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows” The Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 1:5 ”For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows” The Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 1:5

Willingness to suffer, to endure and to die This means death to: * Pride – and a complete dependence on the Holy Spirit (”Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought. “ Romans 12:3 ) Power – humble yourself and become vulnerable. Power – humble yourself and become vulnerable. Racial and cultural prejudice – willing to adopt the lifestyle of another culture Racial and cultural prejudice – willing to adopt the lifestyle of another culture

The choice is always between the crowd and the cross * When we choose the cross, then eventually there will be a breakthrough * When we choose the cross, then eventually there will be a breakthrough * 2 Timothy 2:12 “If we endure we will also reign with him.” * 2 Timothy 2:12 “If we endure we will also reign with him.” * If we are prepared to live as Jesus did, serve as He served, suffer as He suffered, then it is true that we will share with Him the joy of the harvest. * If we are prepared to live as Jesus did, serve as He served, suffer as He suffered, then it is true that we will share with Him the joy of the harvest.

Suffering and Evangelism “Suffering is a normal and useful and essential element in Christian life and ministry. It not only weans us off the world and teaches us to live on God, as 2 Corinthians 1:9 says, but also makes ministers more able to strengthen the church and make missionaries more able to reach the nations with the Gospel of the grace of God.” (John Piper) “Suffering is a normal and useful and essential element in Christian life and ministry. It not only weans us off the world and teaches us to live on God, as 2 Corinthians 1:9 says, but also makes ministers more able to strengthen the church and make missionaries more able to reach the nations with the Gospel of the grace of God.” (John Piper)

Forces we are contending with? Underdeveloped Countries are exploited by economically & politically powerful states and endemic corruption. Underdeveloped Countries are exploited by economically & politically powerful states and endemic corruption. Capitalism and rabid consumerism. Andrew Kirk calls it,” Shop till you drop”, “Shop around the clock” Capitalism and rabid consumerism. Andrew Kirk calls it,” Shop till you drop”, “Shop around the clock” Jet set, mobile lifestyles of the rich and famous - Amsterdam Airport says,”See, buy, fly” Jet set, mobile lifestyles of the rich and famous - Amsterdam Airport says,”See, buy, fly” Perverted and demonized societies through Perverted and demonized societies through drug addiction, prostitution, child pornography, homosexuality, slavery. drug addiction, prostitution, child pornography, homosexuality, slavery.

Passionate, Focused Evangelism Without Christ people are lost, evangelism must take place Without Christ people are lost, evangelism must take place We need to communicate the Good News in culturally appropriate ways We need to communicate the Good News in culturally appropriate ways We need a confidence in the story of Jesus We need a confidence in the story of Jesus Incarnational living – not just contextualizing a message but being an incarnational messenger Incarnational living – not just contextualizing a message but being an incarnational messenger

Passionate, focused, evangelism Involves story telling and drama Involves story telling and drama Community building Community building Utilization of mass media & technology for Gospel communication Utilization of mass media & technology for Gospel communication Accessibility to the Scriptures Accessibility to the Scriptures Slum based presence Slum based presence ” If I am lifted up, I will draw all men to myself “ John 12:32

Working in Teams Working in Teams Team ministry is Biblical & it enables individuals to be more effectiveTeam ministry is Biblical & it enables individuals to be more effective Creating Church planting movementsCreating Church planting movements Strength in diversityStrength in diversity Spiritual gifts & natural abilities helps Gospel effectivenessSpiritual gifts & natural abilities helps Gospel effectiveness Support & encourage one anotherSupport & encourage one another Teams need to take risks & not just operate in one’s own comfort zoneTeams need to take risks & not just operate in one’s own comfort zone

Women in ministry and the community Empowering women to learn language & invest time with women Empowering women to learn language & invest time with women Provide increased quality care for women Provide increased quality care for women When women are involved the Church grows When women are involved the Church grows Women are vital to community communication Women are vital to community communication Develop women theologically and in leadership Develop women theologically and in leadership

Leadership Empowerment Leadership empowerment of team members and movements Leadership empowerment of team members and movements Aiming for early transfer of leadership responsibilities Aiming for early transfer of leadership responsibilities Teaching & modelling servant leadership Teaching & modelling servant leadership Leadership understood and done in a culturally appropriate way Leadership understood and done in a culturally appropriate way

The planting of Churches will bring salt and light into the community. Salt is to preserve what is good and add flavor. Matt 5:13 Salt is to preserve what is good and add flavor. Matt 5:13 Salt is good. Mark 9:50 Salt is good. Mark 9:50 Let your speech always be seasoned with grace, as it were with salt, so that you may know how to respond to each person. Let your speech always be seasoned with grace, as it were with salt, so that you may know how to respond to each person. Col. 4:6 Col. 4:6 If salt loses its flavor how will it be salty again? Mark 9:50 If salt loses its flavor how will it be salty again? Mark 9:50 You are the “light” of the world, a city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Matt 5:14 You are the “light” of the world, a city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Matt 5:14 Walk as children of light. Eph. 5:8 Walk as children of light. Eph. 5:8 If we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin. If we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7 1 John 1:7

Salt & Light Salt & Light “The norms of the Kingdom, worked out in the lives of the heirs of the Kingdom, constitute the witness of the Kingdom.... For a variety of reasons, Christians have lost this vision of witness, and are slow to return to it. But in better days and other lands, the faithful and divinely empowered proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ (who himself is the light of the world par excellence) so transformed men that they in turn became the light of the world... “The norms of the Kingdom, worked out in the lives of the heirs of the Kingdom, constitute the witness of the Kingdom.... For a variety of reasons, Christians have lost this vision of witness, and are slow to return to it. But in better days and other lands, the faithful and divinely empowered proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ (who himself is the light of the world par excellence) so transformed men that they in turn became the light of the world...

Salt & Light Prison, reform, medical care, trade unions, control of a perverted and perverting liquor trade, abolition of slavery, abolition of child labour, establishment of orphanages, reform of the penal code – in all these areas the followers of Jesus spearheaded the drive for righteousness. The darkness was alleviated. And this, I submit, has always been the pattern when professing Christians have been less concerned with personal prestige and more concerned with the norms of the Kingdom. “ D A Carson Prison, reform, medical care, trade unions, control of a perverted and perverting liquor trade, abolition of slavery, abolition of child labour, establishment of orphanages, reform of the penal code – in all these areas the followers of Jesus spearheaded the drive for righteousness. The darkness was alleviated. And this, I submit, has always been the pattern when professing Christians have been less concerned with personal prestige and more concerned with the norms of the Kingdom. “ D A Carson

William Carey’s legacy of salt and light in Bengali society Source: Vishal and Ruth Mangalwadi Missionary Missionary Botanist Botanist Industrialist Industrialist Economist Economist Medical humanitarian Medical humanitarian Media pioneer Media pioneer Agriculturalist Agriculturalist Educator Educator Translator – 3 tongues Translator – 3 tongues Astronomer Astronomer Library pioneer Library pioneer Forest conservationist Forest conservationist Activist for women’s rights Activist for women’s rights Moral reformer Moral reformer Cultural transformer Cultural transformer Public servant Public servant

Salt & Light “So then, we should never put our two vocations to be salt and light, our Christian social and evangelistic responsibilities, over against each other as if we had to choose between them. We should not exaggerate either, not disparage either, at the expense of the other. Neither can be a substitute for the other. The world needs both. It is bad and needs salt; it is dark and needs light.” “So then, we should never put our two vocations to be salt and light, our Christian social and evangelistic responsibilities, over against each other as if we had to choose between them. We should not exaggerate either, not disparage either, at the expense of the other. Neither can be a substitute for the other. The world needs both. It is bad and needs salt; it is dark and needs light.” John Stott John Stott

The right to change a society ? So many revolutions in human history have changed societies for the worse, and sacrificed millions of lives in the process. For example, Diocletian of Rome, the Crusaders, Muslims in Asia, Hitler in Germany, Pol Pot in Cambodia,. So many revolutions in human history have changed societies for the worse, and sacrificed millions of lives in the process. For example, Diocletian of Rome, the Crusaders, Muslims in Asia, Hitler in Germany, Pol Pot in Cambodia,. We must make sure that the truth of God’s Word guides our revolutionary zeal, so the changes we instigate are for the good of humanity and the extension of God’s kingdom. Change with God’s grace. We must make sure that the truth of God’s Word guides our revolutionary zeal, so the changes we instigate are for the good of humanity and the extension of God’s kingdom. Change with God’s grace.

Are you ready to be salt and light? The slum dwellers need your salt and light The slum dwellers need your salt and light There are 560 million destitute poor in China and India alone There are 560 million destitute poor in China and India alone In 2001 there were 924 million slum dwellers in the world. In 2001 there were 924 million slum dwellers in the world. 31.6% of the world’s urban population live in slums. United Nations Global Report on Human Settlements, % of the world’s urban population live in slums. United Nations Global Report on Human Settlements, 2003 How will they hear unless someone goes? How will they hear unless someone goes? Most have no resources and no hope. Most have no resources and no hope. Will you have compassion on their despair? Will you have compassion on their despair? Jer. 29:7 “Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile” Jer. 29:7 “Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile” Will you go and live among the poor? Will you go and live among the poor?

Salt & Light “You are the salt of the earth... You are the light of the world... let your light shine before men, that they may see your deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” “You are the salt of the earth... You are the light of the world... let your light shine before men, that they may see your deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. The Son of God who lived and incarnational life on earth among the poor and needy 2000 years ago. The Son of God who lived and incarnational life on earth among the poor and needy 2000 years ago.

Acknowledgements; The producer of the is presentation is indebted to the following persons and their publishers; Encarnacao Alliance. Missions Commission. Philippines. Deitrich Bonhoeffer. The Cost of Discipleship. Unknown. UK. John Bunyan. Pilgrims Progress. Unknown. UK. D A Carson. Quotation from unknown source. Frederick Catherwood. Quotation from an unknown source. Edmund Clowney. Quotation from unknown source. Viv Grigg. Urban Leadership Foundation. NZ M Lloyd –Jones. Quotation from and unknown source. Martin Luther. Quotation from and unknown source. Stephen Neil. A History of Christian Missions. UK. John Piper. Let the Nations Be Glad. Unknown. USA Clive Pritchard. Photographs Central Asia etc. People International. UK. John Stott. Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. USCM.USA Corrie Ten Boom. Quotation from an unknown source. United Nations. Global Report on Human Settlements. USA. George Verwer. Out of the Comfort Zone and Into Missions. OMF. Philippines. George Whitfield. Quotation from unknown source. World Council of Churches. Your Kingdom Come. Switzerland.