Galatians 4
We begin with Colossians Remember that Paul is writing to two very different churches,. The Colossian Church is very Greek in nature. It is also matur—ing It is a church that is in the midst of growth. Paul can address the church as a body getting stronger in Christ.
We left off in Colossians at 3: Let the Word dwell in you Richly. Do All to the Glory of God. We leave Verse 18 for a later time. Galatians This Church is made up of New Christians. They need training in the basics. The lists in this book are fewer and focus on those sins that are common to Greeks.
Galatians 4 picks up on the theme outlined in Chapter 3– Law and Grace, Law and Spirit The Chapter begins with the idea of Tutors and disciplinarians found in chapter 3. Galatians 4:1-3 Notice the language. We are slaves. We are under Bondage until that time comes when the Father brings us into our Inheritance.
Galatians 4:4 When was that time? The Fullness of time– when it was complete. The term here is also used for pregnancy– when the Baby is ready to come. Born of a woman– essential to defeat the penalty of Sin. Born under the Law to meet the requirements of the Law. To Redeem– to pay a price to recover something from the control of another. Key concept here. Colossians 4:5 redeem the time
Galatians 5-9 Jesus has come to redeem us from the Law, And He places the Spirit in us, so we can call God Father Look closely at Verse 7. What is different about this verse, compared to the rest of the chapter?
Galatians 4:8-16 Paul reminds the church that they had received Christ without Days and weeks and Holidays Without the works of the Law This part of the letter is very personal. Paul knows these people well. He was there at a difficult time in his life. His eyes were injured in some way. We think this might be the thorn in the flesh of I Cor 2;3; II Cor 12:7
Galatians 4:11-15 Paul is afraid for the Church. Is he afraid they will lose their salvation? Verse 12 is the essence of the Pauline Mission methodology. What does he mean that he became like them? Acts 16:6. Originally they accepted this ill man with great grace and love– they would have donated eyes for a transplant had that been possible.
So, what went wrong? Why did these people fall away from the message of Christ and fall back to the rules of the Law? Paul is sorely upset about the falling away of these Christians– look at verse 20 to see his Heart. Paul recognizes that zeal can be misplaced. We have lost the idea of right and wrong today.
Paul now turns to the key point in his argument– the difference in the Law and Grace. He uses the Old Testament– and has been criticized by many scholars for this example. He turns to Genesis 16 through 21. First, notice how central to the story of Grace the book of Genesis is. Paul has turned to it in all four books.
Galatians 4:21-5:1. Paul uses the analogy of Hagar and Sarah– technically the model of Isaac and Ishmael. Ishmael is the symbol of the Law– a natural son born in a natural way. Born in Sin and under penalty. Isaac is born a child of Promise– not born under the Law. Hagar– a bondwoman; Sarah a free woman
Now, the analogy is in the form of an allegory. Many commentators argue that Paul has taken great liberty with the text. Paul, however, is citing a common Jewish tradition, but adding the idea of the Covenants. Hagar is the Covenant at Sinai (v. 25)– the Mosaic Covenant. Deut 33:2
The New Covenant is a Covenant of Promise It predates the Mosaic Covenant It is not a conditional covenant. It is a Covenant whose terms are based on a Promise It is the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31; Heb 12:24) This new covenant is our entry into Grace We finish with Galatians 5:1– the conclusion of the Chapter (4): Stand Fast in your Liberty– a Liberty of the Spirit.