LEO Tower 1 www.leotower.com
Business model LEO Tower 1 LEO Tower Learn how to develop a success mindset through LEO’s training products Earn commissions through LEO’s business platform Own your business, property, and investments: become your own boss
LEO global perspective 68 64 34 21 18
How big is your thinking? LEO Tower 1 How big is your thinking?
Overview LEO Tower 1 German company, LEO Tower AG Possibilities for Frankfurt listing 100% legal crowd-sourcing fundraising
LEO Awards pre-shares to members for high sales performance LEO Tower 1 LEO Tower AG & LEO LEO Tower AG Pre-shares Awards LEO LEO Awards pre-shares to members for high sales performance
Overview LEO Tower 1 LEO Tower AG German company; business scope to create value through Global property development and projects “Hero” project = LEO Tower Raise funds, issue pre-shares Convert shares and start project Create value LEO Tower 1, 2, 3… and many projects as stepping stones
LEO Tower 1 Overview LEO Awards pre-shares to members for high sales performance and pays funds to LEO Tower AG, promoting LEOwnership Rank awards Earnings BOA LEO A-shares Direct purchase (B2C & M2M)
LEO Tower 1
LEO Tower 1 Unique design On brand for LEO Mix residential and commercial
How does this work? LEO Tower 1 LEO Tower pre-shares Trade pre-shares LEO members gain pre-shares LEO Tower pre-shares You may buy/sell pre-shares to other members Trade pre-shares Pre-shares get converted in LEO Tower shares LEO Tower shares Earn profits from your LEO Tower AG shares Dividends Redeem shares for property ownership Redeem
How to gain Pre-shares? LEO Tower 1 1 2 3 4 5 Rank awards Earnings BOA LEO A-shares 5 Direct purchase (B2C & M2M)
Rank Award LEO Tower 1 Platinum Associate Senior Associate Coordinator £500* Associate £1000 Senior Associate £500 or iPhone Coordinator £600 or LTAB Executive £1800 or Dubai trip And so on.. * £250 is added to your mandatory account
Earnings LEO Tower 1 30% of earning goes into Mandatory account From mandatory account you can buy LEO Tower shares
Business Ownership Award LEO Tower 1 BOA Business Ownership Award £20,000 LEO Tower shares
LEO A-Shares LEO Tower 1 1 LEO Tower share 1 LEO A-share You may convert LEO A-share to LEO Tower share
Direct Purchase LEO Tower 1 B2C M2M Member to member (M2M) You may buy/sell to other members Business to customer (B2C)* You may sell Tower apartments to customers B2C M2M * Subject to market compliance
Sample graphic
Convert pre-shares to shares LEO Tower 1 Project milestones Create LEO Tower AG Raise capital Convert pre-shares to shares Deliver project(s) Enjoy value created!
Project milestones 2013 2014 2015 2016 LEO Tower 1
Project milestones 2013 2014 2015 2016 LEO Tower 1 2014 2015 2016
Project milestones 2013 2014 2015 2016 LEO Tower 1 EU project 1 2014
LEO Tower 1 What more? Plus opportunities in Dubai, rental incomes, visa, etc. European visa/residency/Nationality opportunities
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