Behaviour for Learning Lindsay Ogden Moving to Outstanding August CPD day
Session aims The aims of this session are: To introduce the behaviour for learning protocol To support delivery staff with the positive behaviour approach To promote college expectations of behaviour for all students and staff
What this session is not The session will not be telling you how to manage behaviour in your classrooms A session on positive behaviour psychology But – sometimes things may not go as planned. m/watch?v=zV1zK8zRCP o m/watch?v=zV1zK8zRCP o
Professional Code of Conduct Being positive role models through their professionalism at all times, leading by example, supporting and demonstrating good team spirit and going “the extra mile” Treating all students fairly and equally, and actively showing they believe all students can fulfil real potential at all times by using positive language and an aspirational approach Providing high quality lessons and effective, pleasant learning environments central to positive student behaviour Taking every opportunity to promote, reinforce and reward good behaviour, achievement and effort when deserved Using rules and consequences outlined in this policy clearly and consistently Intervening promptly when they encounter poor behaviour or unexplained absence Forming good relationships with parents/carers liaising regularly to help them support their student's learning and to share any concerns about their education, welfare or behaviour
Why do we need a reminder about behaviour? To define expected high standards, motivation and teamwork in every aspect of the student curriculum. High standards of professional conduct expected by the College will be encouraged in order to become more work-ready. The welfare and wellbeing of all students of the College depends on the reasonable and disciplined behaviour of all college members.
What is the aim of the protocol? The aim is to ensure consistent and fair treatment for all, by setting out the actions that will be taken if student behaviour causes concern to tutors and other staff in college. To provide students who cause concerns in the classroom an opportunity to improve behaviours To monitor students whose behaviours are not appropriate more closely.
How will this be implemented? It is important to celebrate student success at the heart of everything we do – and to recognise highly professional behaviour as this is just as important to us as celebrating high standards of work. Praise is a powerful tool in the learning environment – record it on the ILP!
Consequences Whose role is it to support positive behaviour? What are the consequences of poor behaviour? Can a learner who is in the disciplinary system redeem themselves?
Behaviour alert system Yellow, Orange and Red alerts – these are linked to the stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3 of the disciplinary procedure. Who monitors the alerts and how can a student come off the alert? What is the difference between the stages on the disciplinary process and the alert process?
Support with behaviour What do you find hard to manage with behaviour? What types of support do you think you might need help with in managing behaviour?
Conclusion This protocol is about setting standards and expectations of all young people and staff within college. Loughborough College is a great place to study
What next? In your curriculum area for your department – now think about how you will implement the code of conduct? How will you manage student expectations and communicate them?