1 East Rockingham High School Elite Eagles’ Program (EEP)
Elite Eagles’ Program (EEP) is designed to recognize and acknowledge students who demonstrate high standards of responsibility, respect, safety, and integrity here at East Rockingham High School and in their community.
“Elite Eagles’ Constitution” We the people of East Rockingham High School, in order to form a more perfect school community, will demonstrate…. Responsibility Respect Safety and Integrity ….through our thoughts, our words, and our actions.
The Elite Eagles’ Code of Conduct describes the types of positive behaviors students, faculty, and staff should demonstrate here at “The Rock”
5 All AreasClassroomCommons and CafeteriaHallwaysRestrooms being responsible by demonstrating good morals and accountabilityresponsible Be on time and prepared Obey all school rules Clean up after yourself Be courteous to others Be on time and prepared for class with materials and homework Complete classroom assignments efficiently Show appreciation and courtesy to service personnel Recycle Respect others’ belongings Keep to the right to let others pass Be in the “right place at the right time” Keep hallways clear and clean Behave appropriately with your peers Dispose of trash properly Use facilities in a timely manner Wash hands with soap and water and turn off faucets valuing other people’s opinions and thoughts while treating them with dignity Respect property Use appropriate language Be kind to one another Follow directions Be an active listener Be considerate of other people’s learning abilities, thoughts, feelings, and property Use school equipment carefully Be appreciative and respectful to cafeteria staff and custodians Respect other’s property Use appropriate conversational volume Wait politely in line Respect others’ space and right of way Use appropriate conversational volume Refrain from displays of affection Respect others’ privacy Keep the bathroom clean and free of graffiti Treat your peers with consideration Follow school rules in restrooms being safe by preventing hurt, injury, or loss to yourself or others Walk inside building Keep hands and feet to yourself Be aware of your surroundings Use technology appropriately Follow class rules Follow instructions Keep all areas clear Use tables, chairs, and rails appropriately Pick up/Wipe up spills Keep hallways clear and clean Watch where you’re going Report damages and spills Do not make or leave a mess sticking to moral, ethical or artistic values Be courteous to school guests Be accepting and tolerant of peers/differences Use technology appropriately, ethically, and respectfully Promptly report vandalism/bullying/harassment /cheating Be honest Do your own work Pay for all purchases Adhere to the RCPS technology policy Wait your turn Refrain from inappropriate contact Avoid interrupting classroom instruction Have a hall pass Keep the stalls and walls graffiti free Clean up after yourself
6 Acknowledgements and Incentives Positive Referrals can be given at anytime to acknowledge positive student behavior. End of Grading Period Recognition recognizes those students who have had 95% attendance, two or less unexcused tardies, and no discipline referrals (including written warnings from administration) for the grading period. Yearly Incentive is the highest level of recognition in which rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors earn one or more school related excused ½ day absences based upon meeting the following requirements: 1.Obtaining 95% attendance for the year 2.Two or less tardies for the year 3.No discipline referrals (including written warnings from administration) for the entire school year. Excused absences earned can be redeemed the following school year.
7 Yearly Incentive Procedures 1.Rising sophomores who meet yearly incentive requirements will earn one ½ day excused school related absence. 2.Rising juniors who meet yearly incentive requirements will earn two ½ day excused school related absences. 3.Rising seniors who meet yearly incentive requirements will earn three ½ day excused school related absences. Guidelines for earned excused school related absences: 1.Students must complete a form and obtain teachers’ signatures of approval for periods missed. 2.Students who earn more than one ½ day excused school related absence cannot use both absences on the same school day. 3.Students are responsible for all assignments missed. 4.Students cannot redeem absences during “dead periods”. 5.All ½ day absences must be used during the school year. They will not be carried over or accumulated. 6.Student athletes are expected to attend ½ day of school in order to participate in practices/games.
8 Strive for your very best Here at the Eagles’ nest!