EMR 6500: Survey Research Dr. Chris L. S. Coryn Kristin A. Hobson Spring 2013
Agenda Course overview Introductions Course pretest examination – Answers, discussion, and questions
Course Website ses/emr-6500-survey-research/
Learning Objectives 1.How to design surveys 2.How to develop and ask survey questions 3.How to sample in surveys 4.How to assess survey reliability and validity 5.How to conduct self-administered internet and mail surveys 6.How to analyze survey data 7.How to report on surveys
Course Components Attendance and class participation (10%) Examination #1 (10%) Examination #2 (15%) Homework (30%) Survey research project (35%) Note: NO late homework or project submissions will be accepted
“Free Pass” Each student has one “free pass” Can be used to drop one homework grade or to skip one homework assignment altogether To redeem the “free pass” students must submit the distributed coupon to the teaching assistant and specify how it is to be applied Cannot be used for project assignments or examinations
Survey Research Project 1.Survey research project prospectus (10% of the project grade) 2.Item development (10% of the project grade) 3.Survey administration and sampling plan (10% of the project grade) 4.Presentation of survey project (5% of the project grade)
Grading 100% – 95% = A 94% – 90% = BA 89% – 85% = B 84% – 80% = CB 79% – 75% = C < 75% = F
Required Textbooks Dillman, D. A., Smyth, J. D., & Christian, L. M. (2009). Internet, mail, and mixed-mode surveys: The tailored design method (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Scheaffer, R. L., Mendenhall III, W., Ott, R. L., & Gerow, K. G. (2012). Elementary survey sampling (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thompson.