What Goes Around Comes Around Arias, Baxter, & Guerra
Our Assignment To educate and motivate people to recycle
Our Preparation Online research Surveyed local community
Research Americans don’t recycle – According to the EPA’s most recent data from 2009, the US recycling rate was at 33.8%* – 40% of teachers surveyed recycle Americans don’t know how to recycle – Most people could only name 2 out of the 7 possible recyclable materials * Americans don’t care about recycling
Problem Americans aren’t personally invested in recycling
Creative Strategy + RationalEmotional Give your garbage another life Karma
The Big Idea Pass along the recycling Karma* *Karma : what goes around comes around.
Pass along the recycling karma. The can you recycle today, could live in your father’s pacemaker tomorrow Americans recycle only 33.8% of all recyclable materials. That’s a lot of room for improvement. Why wait till tomorrow to make a change? After all, what goes around comes around.
your Karma Rewards at iwanttoberecycled.org Outdoor launch in key locations Digital display with rotating positive karma messages when you recycle Reward program on website will allow people to redeem prizes to incentivize further
Pass along the recycling karma today. Partner with major manufacturers and retailers of recyclable materials Mark all social media display ads with our message
THANK YOU. Now it’s your turn to pass along the karma…