Background Catholic Central, St. Mary’s, Palliser Regional Schools 4 things from this session Explain what the flexibility project was/is Give examples of how it looks in practice Encourage you to think about the structure of our educational system Encourage you to think about how you can change the structure in your context 2
CEU system – has been in place since approximately 1906 1 credit = 25 hours of face to face instruction 2009 a new initiative waived the time requirement for 13 schools 3
My involvement with the “flexibility project” Catholic Central – initially not overly interested Meeting in Olds changed my perspective If a student needed extra help, would they be able to get that help within the structure of your timetable?
At St. Mary’s we started to question the way learning was structured in our school. We know that all students learn at different rates. So why do we structure schools so that all students are expected to spend the same amount of time in class? Time vs. Learning We know that each learner is unique. So why do we structure schools so there are limited opportunities for one on one instruction? Standardization vs. Personalization
Two key goals Ensure students can get additional help when necessary Ensure students have opportunities to be meaningful partners in the educational process Examples Flexible dismissal Intervention program Flex Fridays
Teachers have the freedom to dismiss students at any time during a class (they do not have to wait for the bell!) Teachers set learning objectives, when students have met the objectives at an appropriate level they can leave the class Picture used with permission from Holy Spirit
Twice a week for 44 minutes all grades stop learning new content and take part in our intervention program. Grade 6- 8 Intervention – Literacy, Numeracy, Student Initiated Projects Grade 9 – 11 Intervention – One on One or Self- Directed Exam Prep Picture used with permission from Holy Spirit
No bells, no master timetable Teachers create a Google document detailing what they will be doing at various times during the day Students use that document to create their own timetable for the day In some cases students are mandated to meet with teachers In some cases classes are mandated to meet with teachers In some cases students decide what they want to do
TeacherActivityTimeLocationWho will attend? Doolittle Meier Science Review for Monday’s UBS3 Quiz Science Assignment Completion Time Science 9A - catch up on missed work 9:00 - 9:30Rm. 10 9A & 9B (optional) Vienneau Meditation for relaxation 9:00-9:45Rm 7Open to all students Makarchuk Band Playing test9: :00Band Rm. All Senior Band students MUST complete at some time during the morning Vornbrock Math 9B Quiz 5.13 Improvement Quiz on Surface Area Circle Geometry Test Review 9: :15Rm 4 (Mandatory) Optional for any other 9B to improve quiz 5.13 mark Meier Science 9A Quiz9: :15Rm 10All 9As - mandatory BGH Badminton Tournament 9:30-10:00GymAnyone Vienneau English help9:45-10:15Rm 7Open to all students but mandatory for: 11
Very promising results Over 95% positive comments in open ended questions Improvement in every academic category in TTFM surveys 30% increase in intellectual engagement Teachers covering more material in less time 14
I think it’s had a good impact on me. I know I can stay back if I need extra help. Grade 10 student I think it has a positive impact on my learning because I can have some time to myself to finish up an assignment or have a quick snack to keep me and my brain going. Grade 8 Very positive because you have a chance to do your homework or help a friend. Grade 6 15
I looovvveeeee it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It allows us to be our own teacher for a day and to express what we really love! I love he flexible Fridays. I like it because it is a day I can relax and still get caught up on school work that I missed or got behind on. It also helps me because I can ask a teacher for help a pretty much get a one on one learning with just me and the teacher. 16
The flexibility program in our school has been a really positive impact on my learning. It gives students more time and gives us chance to redeem ourselves from homework and assignments that we need to do, and gives us the ability to decide on what class to study and work for a longer time. 17
flex Fridays help to keep me on track in classes I fall behind in, flexible dismissal is a good incentive for me to get my work done properly and on time, exam prep helped to give me some peace of mind coming up to my diplomas because it gave me some knowledge about what it was going to be like. 18
Peter Senge Education is full of structures that have a powerful impact on learning and teaching At times these structures impede rather than enhance learning We need to be aware of them PD Friday - 30 kids for 67 minutes Monday….. personalization & learning or standardization & compliance? 19
How do bell times limit learning and teaching? How does curriculum limit learning and teaching? How does dividing learning into subjects (e.g. math & social studies) limit learning and teaching? 20
3 Key Components: Powerful Questions Core Ideas Implementation 21
Why do we…. ? & What if…. ? Why do we have all students sit through classes for the same length of time? What if we dismissed students based on learning rather than an arbitrary bell time? Why do we have a master timetable? What if students and teachers made their own timetable? What changes would you make if all you had to worry about was student learning? 22
Intervention – one on one, small group help Students as meaningful partners in the educational process – flex Friday/Flex dismissal Palliser - Safe and caring, literacy, assessment for learning What do you want to change in your school? What are the areas of greatest need? 23
Short-circuit the defensive reaction Collaboration Autonomy Conserve and change Keeping kids on track A simple yet powerful message Students are your best sales people Who do you need help from to change the educational structures in your context? What changes can you make right away to start the process? 24
Teachers taking risks Math 10-3/ 20-3 / Science 14 / 24 Assessment Cross-curricular Photo used with permission from Holy Spirit 25
Our current educational system is like a large passenger ship. It’s an amazing structure But… it only skims the surface And students are often passengers 26
We envision a structure that is more like a school of fish. Fluid, Dynamic & Adaptable Interdependent Fully immersed 27
Start the change process or accelerate it Questions 29
Mike Nightingale Phone- (403) 328 –