Report to Grand Chapter* June 2011 Greg Harbaugh President & CEO *Includes excerpts from CEO presentation to Foundation Board of Governors April 2011
First Things First To all Brothers who donate time and effort to make our leadership programs excellent - Thank You To all Brothers who ensure that Sigma Chi chapters have the guidance and support they need - Thank You To all Brothers who donate their treasure to help the Foundation support our work - Thank You
Foundation Snapshot Scholarships up 6 years in a row - nearly $500K total Major Gift team will exceed goal Annual Fund team will exceed goal Expenses forecast down 6.9%, revenue forecast up 4.5% Programs: BLTW up 9.6%; Horizons up 6.7%; Journey/Cornerstone fully funded; Choices up 50% - Add drug content/education Foundation expenses down >25% over last 5 years Fifth consecutive contribution to unrestricted endowment - quintupled to ~$2.5M
An Essential Point Giving to the Foundation = Supporting your Chapter - 2/3 of BLTW leadership program - 100% of Horizons leadership program - 100% of Choices alcohol/drug ed program - 100% of Cornerstone mentor program - 100% of Journey chapter retreat program - 100% of Bud Adams Balfour Nominee Life Loyal program - 100% of General scholarships Total support approaches $10,000/chapter/year
Bell Chapter Challenge A Great Deal for Your Chapter Blue - $10k/chapter/year ($250k to endow) 1 designated Horizons slot 3 additional (8 total) registrations for BLTW Support for Choices/Cornerstone NEW: 1 - designated $1000 scholarship Gold - $15k/year ($375k endowed) 1 designated Horizons slot 5 additional ( 10 total) registrations for BLTW Support for Choices/Cornerstone $3000 chapter retreat stipend NEW: 1 - designated $1000 scholarship White - $20k/year ($500k endowed) 2 designated Horizons slots 5 additional (10 total) registrations for BLTW Support for Choices/Cornerstone $3000 chapter retreat stipend $1000 BLTW travel stipend NEW: 2 - designated $1000 scholarships
Did You Know? Your Foundation... - Started a "Strong Arms" scholarship fund for undergrads who have suffered from catastrophic personal tragedies (tornadoes, floods, etc.). Financial need is now a criterion for scholarships. - Created the "Donor-Scholar" program for alumni who wish to endow a $1000 Sigma Chi scholarship, and possibly mentor the recipient(s), through a one-time gift of $25,000 - In partnership with a local house corporation, assisted a brother from another country whose family lost their income due to political turmoil. This brother had his semester covered and has a plan to take him through graduation. - Manages ~$250,000 in annual chapter-specific scholarships (in addition to General Scholarships) - Maintains and preserves the Founding Site, the museum at HQ, and all historical artifacts; provides chapter-specific research - Provides a pathway for charitable donations to chapter house renovation projects -> $7M to date - Will recognize top 3 Cooper chapters (GPA) with $10,000 in grants at BLTW
Did You Know? Your Foundation... - Will recognize, at BLTW and in The Magazine, the undergraduate chapter that makes the largest gift to the Foundation - Offers a $1000 stipend to every Grand Praetor for program support - Provides a $1000/yr scholarship to the International Sweetheart - Provided a $1000 scholarship to the 300,000th Sigma Chi initiate - Pays for every Significant Sig medallion - Offers free lodging to any Grand Council member on Sigma Chi business at the HQ Manor in Evanston - Pays 25% of Norman Shield pledge manual publishing expense - Provides lodging and $1000 scholarships for HQ summer interns
The Foundation's Aspirations Culture of lifelong giving among all Sigma Chis Multilayered leadership programming that reaches, supports and positively impacts every undergrad every year Support for all Sigma Chis at every stage of life Endowment to fund all programs in perpetuity Sense of ownership of the Foundation's work among all alumni - this foundation is Your Foundation
Board Presentation Excerpts The following charts are from CEO presentation to Foundation Board of Governors in April 2011
Observations FY looking like a very good year; outlook positive Foundation staff response has been great Bell Chapter Challenge has significant potential We are proud to be able to maintain and grow grant funding in this economy Volunteer program leadership has been great We need board support to meet our goals for next year - CYGNUS study on donor perceptions - results by August - UNILOA study - will define impact of Sigma Chi on undergrad performance
Big Picture - FY Year to Date (thru 2/28) Major Gift will exceed goal Annual Fund will exceed goal White Cross Trust donors up Overall donors lagging goal but will catch up Financial year-end forecast: revenue growth expense reduction significant contribution to endowment pre-investment in FY11-12
FY Year to Date (thru 2/28) Notable Successes/Initiatives: - Bell Chapter growth -> 31 funded chapters - Board-hosted luncheon in Dallas (Ed Blessing) - Distinguished Visitor program (BLTW/Horizons) - 12 participants - Forecast significant net year end revenue -> endowment growth - Forecast revenue increase 4.5% vs last year actual - Forecast expense decrease 6.9% vs last year actual - Forecast cost/dollar raised reduced to $.37; Update: revised to <$.25
Big Picture - FY Plan Single budget - we understand our position Noteworthy increase in grant funding Sixth consecutive increase in scholarships First-ever recognition of outstanding chapter-level GPAs Time to try some new things to expand donor base Emphasize/promote Bell Chapter Challenge growth & value One on one visits central to success Distinguished Visitor program expanding
Program Funding (vs. last year) Programs BLTW - 9.6% increase - support for Bell chapter attendees Horizons Leadership - 6.7% increase - 4 weeks Cornerstone Mentorship - 40% decrease - reflects spending pattern Journey Chapter Retreat - same BFC/Choices - 50% increase - expanded to include drug/suicide/depression content Bud Adams Balfour Nominee Life Loyal - same
FY New Initiatives Major Gift: Bell Chapter Challenge - added one $1K academic scholarship per funded chapter Charitable Lead Trust Planned Giving credit toward major gift goal Bell Chapter Challenge goal - more funded chapters by 12/31 Annual Fund: "1855 Society" - Outreach to undergrads/recent graduates for Annual Fund support WCT Minor Gift Officer Expanded Text to Give “Parent’s Club”—a new donor society for parents. Expanded communication/solicitation - quarterly e-news letter Expanded direct mail solicitation