European Commission Enterprise and Industry Success story in FP7 : „MObility, Development and Energy use ReductioN - MODERN / Civitas Plus / Ana-Maria Mogosan, Gabriel Vladut
Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Participants MODERN Public Authorities - Municipalities Public transport authorities Research Centres Universities NGOs SMEs 22 Partners conected to Municipalities from: Craiova, Romania- 3 partners Brescia, Italy- 4 partners Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain- 5 partners Coimbra, Portugal-6 partners And support units from: (2) Belgium (2) Italy Craiova – The first Romanian Municipality who coordinate a CIVITAS consortium at European level
Title of the presentation | Date |‹#›MODERN Craiova city Craiova City is situated in S-W of Romania, with around inhabitants Urban public transport network: - radial and circular system. Fleet size and composition: buses and 37 trams. Passengers stations: - total 260, (208 for buses and 52 for trams)
Title of the presentation | Date |‹#›MODERN The project team Craiova City partners and their contribution in the project The Local Council of Craiova Municipality. Project coordinator Evaluation activity Craiova Public Transport Company (RAT Craiova). Direct beneficiary institution Automation Systems Research Company (IPA SA). Research and development Role of dissemination
Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Measures forseen for Craiova City Alternative fuels Transition towards clean fleets Energy saving on tramline Integrated e-ticketing and GPS system Access restriction policies Software tools for mobility management actions in industrial areas Public transport security program Flexible services for industrial areas Policy option for freight distribution schemes Infomobility tools for fleet management Priority traffic light regulation for PTMODERN Actions to be developed
Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Alternative fuels To decrease the emissions up 5% for buses under tests endowed with alternative fuel system Transition towards clean fleets To Identify a good granting program for eco-buses acquisition Energy saving on tramline To install the chopper driving system on the 9 trams in order to decrease by 40% the energy consumption Integrated e-ticketing and GPS system To endow 107 vehicles with e-ticketing and GPS system in order to optimize the rout, decrease the fraudulent in PT, increase the average transport capacity and the vehicle fuel efficiencyMODERN Objectives and results 1/3
Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Access restriction policies To implement an access control in order to reduce the emissions level and the traffic flow in central area Software tools for mobility management actions in industrial areas To equip buses with digital maps and software program in order to encourage commuters to use PT, increasing the average speed/km of buses in industrial area Public transport security program To install video surveillance cameras in: 5 stations, 5 trams and 10 buses in order to improve the quality of PT services, decrease anti social issues in PT and travel stationsMODERN Objectives and results 2/3
Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Flexible services for industrial areas To build parking places and implement car sharing system in order to optimise the traffic flows in industrial area Policy option for freight distribution schemes To implement an access control to reduce the emissions level and freight vehicles traffic flow in central area Priority traffic light regulation for PT To endow 9 trams with on-board units to create in Craiova a preferential traffic light regulation and increase the average transport speed/kmMODERN Objectives and results 3/3
Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Thank you for your attention Project coordinator: Gabriel Vladut ; Local evaluation manager: Ana-Maria Mogosan ;