Alpha Chapter Orientation The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Alpha Eta State Alpha Chapter Orientation
Mission Statement The mission of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International is to promote professional and personal growth in women educators and excellence in education.
International Headquarters -- Austin, Texas
An Overview of the Society: Who We Are Every Delta Kappa Gamma member. . . a leader for education. The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International is a professional honorary society of women educators. The Society promotes professional and personal growth of its members and excellence in education. Established in 1929, Delta Kappa Gamma has attained major objectives in improving opportunities for qualified women employed at every level of education as well as in advancing the status of women educators. To this end, the Purposes set forth by the Founders continue to embody the spirit of the Society. The Purposes continue to be as valid in today's contemporary world as when first adopted:
The Seven Purposes of the Society are: To unite women educators of the world in a genuine spiritual fellowship, To honor women who have given or who evidence a potential for distinctive service in any field of education, To advance the professional interest and position of women in education, To initiate, endorse, and support desirable legislation or other suitable endeavors in the interests of education and of women educators,
To endow scholarships to aid outstanding women educators in pursuing graduate study and to grant fellowships to women educators from other countries, To stimulate the personal and professional growth of members and to encourage their participation in appropriate programs of action, To inform the members of current economic, social, political, and educational issues so that they may participate effectively in a world society.
The Delta Kappa Gamma Crest can be used on publications dealing with the Society.
Educational Foundation The Delta Kappa Gamma Educational Foundation The Educational Foundation is supported by gifts, contributions and bequests from: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International State organizations of the Society Local chapters Individual members Friends of the Society and The Delta Kappa Gamma Educational Foundation
What Does the Educational Foundation Do? The Board of Trustees meets annually to administer the affairs of the corporation. The trustees supervise the financial administration, approve the annual budget and report to the International Executive Board of the Society. Applications for projects that promote intercultural understanding and excellence in education are accepted by the trustees. Project support is granted to those projects that advance the mission of the Foundation when sufficient money is available. Over one million dollars have been awarded to projects since the founding of the corporation in 1964! Projects may be suggested by any member of the Society.
Mary Eva Hite Scholarship Scholarship Opportunities International Scholarships The Society awards up to twenty-seven $5000.00 scholarships annually to women who are pursuing a graduate degree from an accredited institution of higher learning. Alpha Eta State Scholarships Mary Eva Hite Scholarship Gaillard-Fitzgerald Founders Scholarship Marguerite G. Thompson Scholarship
Mary Eva Hite Scholarship At least one of these scholarships is awarded annually, if members apply and meet the criteria. The MEH Scholarship is for a member who is pursuing a degree beyond the Masters and it is for $2500.
Fitzgerald- Gaillard Founders Scholarship This scholarship is for $750 and can be awarded to one or more candidates who meet the criteria. Marguerite G. Thompson Scholarship This scholarship is also for $750 at the present time and can be awarded to one or more candidates who meet the criteria. All State scholarships are awarded for graduate coursework. Check out the Alpha Eta State web site to get more information on the three state scholarships. If you wish, you may download an application form to send to the State Scholarship Chairman.
World Fellowships This fund grants fellowships to women educators who are not members of the Society and who live in countries other than the United States and Canada.
Alpha Eta State Districts Alpha Chapter is in District II
Alpha Chapter has its meetings on the third Thursday of the months of September, October, January, February, and April. The November meeting is a joint meeting of the four Columbia chapters, Alpha, Alpha Delta, Alpha Eta, and Beta Beta. The March meeting is an orientation/reorientation for initiates/members. It is held on the third Thursday of March each year at the Auld-Murdock Headquarters on Maple Street.
We try to end the meeting and fellowship time by 9:00 PM. Alpha Chapter usually meets at Shandon Presbyterian Church on Woodrow Street between Blossom and Devine Streets. The meeting begins at 7:00 PM with the business portion, which is followed by the program. After the program Alpha Chapter members enjoy good food and good company. We try to end the meeting and fellowship time by 9:00 PM.
Financial Obligations: Every active member pays $31.00 for state and international dues and fees plus chapter dues no later than October 31. It is every member’s responsibility to pay her dues on time so that the chapter treasurer will be able to send in dues to the state treasurer by the deadline. Alpha chapter dues are $24.00, $4.00 of which goes into the Alpha Fund for our grant-in-aid; therefore, each member pays $55.00 to the chapter treasurer in September or October. It is important to pay dues on time since a member can be dropped from membership for non-payment of dues.
Alpha Chapter Meeting at Shandon Presbyterian Church Here we are socializing after the program and business meeting. Linda Gillespie is reading a book as part of the February program.
Delta Kappa Gamma provides many opportunities for both professional and personal growth. Now, what am I? A box or a squiggle? 2000-02 Alpha President Elizabeth Ouzts is concentrating on a task at the Leadership Challenge Seminar held at the Ramada Plaza Hotel on February 23-24, 2001
This orientation information was brought to you by Carol Vaughn, Alpha Chapter. Be sure to visit the official Delta Kappa Gamma Society International website at