Chapter 1 Finding Your Way in a Diverse World
Quote for the day “[D]anger and fear, exultation and ecstasy, [and] good and evil…converge within the sexual arena: they comprise a small sample of the meaning with which humans endow their sexual experiences.” Frayser, 1985, p. 1
Five Categories of Sexual Need
What is meant by PHYSICAL needs? Discuss
Male and Female Reproductive System
What is meant by SOCIAL needs? Discuss
What is meant by EMOTIONAL needs? Discuss
What is meant by SPIRITUAL needs? Discuss
What is meant by COGNITIVE needs? Discuss
MEETING YOUR OWN NEEDS Each person is unique
SEX RESEARCH Sexologists or Voyeurs?
ETHICAL ISSUES Sexuality researchers must consider the protection of their subjects’ rights to privacy, as well as their physical and psychological welfare. This means: –“Do no harm” –Informed consent –Confidentiality
Research Methods Sampling Techniques –Random Sample –Stratified Sample –Biased Sample
Common Methods of Research Interviews and Surveys Observational Research Case Studies Experimental Research
Interviews and Surveys Data is obtained by asking subjects to answer written or oral questions
Observational Research Direct observation of subjects, either in their natural environment or in a laboratory
Case Studies An in-depth study of a single subject or small group of subjects in which information is obtained through interviews, questionnaires, or historical records
Experimental Research Seeks to confirm cause-and-effect relationships by observing and recording subjects’ reactions to manipulated variables
Sex Research
Quantification, Classification, and Interpretation of Data Descriptive Statistics Inferential Statistics Correlation Causation Reliability Validity
Evaluating Sex Research Scholarly Research
Theoretical Perspectives on Sexuality Psychoanalytic Theory Social Constructionism Feminist Theory Evolutionary Theory Social Exchange Theory
Psychoanalytic Theory Theory of personality originated by Freud that is based on the belief that unconscious conflict can result in psychological or physical symptoms
Social Constructionism Theory that emphasizes the importance of social learning on how we evaluate and apply socialization and information in our lives
Feminist Theory Theoretical views that emphasize the need to include the female experience and perspective in research
Evolutionary Theory Theory that emphasizes the gradual process of development of species through biological adaptation - based on the idea of natural selection
Social Exchange Theory Theory in which social interactions are analyzed in terms of costs and rewards