1 Andreas Görgen EURISOL – EURONS Town Meeting, Helsinki,
2 NEMO: Network on Nuclear Electromagnetic Moments Scientific scope / area of activity: Experimental measurements of electromagnetic moments in exotic nuclei using: Coulomb excitation at low and intermediate energy with RIB, measurement of static nuclear moments of isomeric and short-lived excited states, lifetime measurements of short-lived states via Doppler-shift techniques. Scientific goals of the NEMO network : adapt established stable-beam techniques to be used with RIB, identify the necessary instrumentation and developments, extend techniques to novel reaction mechanisms to populate excited states, evaluate key experiments for future RIB facilities, establish data analysis standards and develop data analysis tools, train young researchers in the relevant analysis techniques. Relevance for the community: form new collaborations as a result of the network activities, coordinate actions to prepare a strong research program in the field, exploit synergies between different experimental methods, document achievements and make them available to researchers, provide information about research opportunities in the field, promote nuclear moments measurements to a wider community of researchers, evaluate the applicability to other fields.
3 Andreas Görgen EURISOL – EURONS Town Meeting, Helsinki, Relevance for the Infrastructures and New Facilities Electromagnetic moments are fundamental nuclear properties and the among the first quantities to be measured in exotic nuclei when they become accessible. Electromagnetic observables provide the most sensitive testing ground for nuclear structure theory. Their measurement represents a significant aspect in the scientific program of present and future RIB facilities (SPIRAL2, HIE-ISOLDE, FAIR) PRL Vol.94-98: 21 nuclear moment measurements out of 139 nuclear structure (15%), 298 nuclear physics (7%) letters. SPIRAL2 SAC recommendation on LoI “Nuclear Electromagnetic Moments”: “…The SAC considers these kind of studies of key interest at SPIRAL 2...” Expertise exists in the community from stable-beam experiments, but it is dying out for certain methods and sub-fields. Techniques had to be re-established for first-generation RIB experiments, often by individual groups and specific to a given facility. Need to combine experience from ISOLDE, SPIRAL, FRS, stable-beam labs… to build strong programs and make the best use of present and new accelerators. The new RIB facilities bring about new challenges, while the complexity of the experiments is increasing needs a community effort in order to make the best use of the resources. New techniques need to be tested. This is an important task for smaller facilities, e.g. university labs.
4 Andreas Görgen EURISOL – EURONS Town Meeting, Helsinki, Activities of the network Organize regular workshops to bring together the experts in the field to exchange ideas conceive new equipment, techniques, test experiments,.... (not meant as small conferences to present scientific results) Establish working groups for the identified tasks, Prepare research proposals for existing facilities in newly formed collaborations, Define the research program and key experiments for future facilities, Organize hands-on data analysis workshops to train the next generation, e.g. on how to analyze multi-step Coulex experiments, lineshape analysis to determine lifetimes… Organize exchange visits of specialists / students / technicians between institutions to spread highly specialized knowledge. Networking was identified as a weak part in EURONS-1. Post-docs would enable networks to achieve more ambitious goals. To strengthen Network Activities in EURONS-2, we propose to endow networks with sufficient funds to hire post-docs. This option should at least be discussed in the steering committee. I3HP has chosen to do so – and has strong, successful networks.
5 Andreas Görgen EURISOL – EURONS Town Meeting, Helsinki, Participating Institutions (and contact persons) Area of Expertise, envisaged contribution NCSR Demokritos, Athens (S. Harissopulos) Lifetime measurements, construction of Plunger for REX / Miniball CEA/DIF Bruyères-le-Châtel (J.-M. Daugas) static nuclear moments of isomers, adapt techniques for high-intensity RIB (SPIRAL2) NIPNE Bucharest (V. Zamfir, D. Bucurescu, M. Ionescu-Bujor) static moments and lifetimes, g-factor and quadrupole moments at DESPEC, development of Plunger for HISPEC University Politehnica Bucharest (G. Cata-Danil) ILL Grenoble (U. Köster) static moments of isomers, test experiments with LOHENGRIN, optimization of polarization techniques University of Jyväskylä (R. Julin) Lifetime measurements in tagging experiments Universität Köln (A. Dewald) construction of Plunger devices for various facilities, extension of RDDS technique to fast beams and DIC INFN Legnaro (G. de Angelis, A. Gadea) lifetime measurements after DIC KU Leuven (P. Van Duppen, M. Huyse, G. Neyens) static nuclear moments and coulex University of Liverpool (P. Butler) Coulex, instrumentation and techniques for ISOLDE TU München (R. Krücken) Coulex, instrumentation and techniques for HISPEC / DESPEC and ISOLDE CSNSM Orsay (G. Georgiev) static nuclear moments, adapt techniques for high- intensity RIB and new reaction mechanisms, coordination University of Padova and INFN (F. Brandolini, P. Pavan, C.A. Ur) RDDS and DSAM lifetime measurements, instrumentation for high-intensity stable beams Weizmann Institut, Rehovot (M. Hass) static nuclear moments CEA/DAPNIA Saclay (A. Görgen) Coulex and lifetime measurements, instrumentation and techniques for GANIL / SPIRAL2, coordination INRNE Sofia (D. Balabanski, P. Petkov, D. Tonev) static moments, lifetime measurements instrumentation and methods for HISPEC/DESPEC University of Warsaw, HIL (P. Napiorkowski, J. Srebrny) Coulex and lifetime measurements, development of analysis tools, test experiments at Warsaw cyclotron University of York (C. Barton) Coulex, development of Bragg detector for ISOLDE