Definition: having a feeling of dislike or distaste for something Derivatives: aversely, averseness Sentence: She was averse to carrying a big purse. Part of Speech: adjective Link: purse
Definition: to lessen what is admirable or worthwhile about something Derivatives: detracts, detracted, detracting Sentence: The way he acts, detracts from his good looks. Part of Speech: verb Link: he acts
Definition: an attitude or feeling of contempt; scorn Derivative: disdains Sentence: I have disdain for people who complain about gifts they have received. Part of Speech: noun Link: complain
Definition: to reveal; make known Derivatives: divulges, divulged, divulging Sentence: That outfit will divulge her pregnant bulge. Part of Speech: verb Link: pregnant bulge
Definition: a feeling of great joy or pride Sentence: They felt elation at their graduation. Part of Speech: noun Link: graduation
Definition: to provide with a talent or quality Derivatives: endows, endowed, endowing, endowment Sentence: The Chow Chow is a dog endowed with more fur than my allergies will allow. Part of Speech: verb Link: Chow Chow
Definition: the act or condition of being forced to leave Sentence: I felt revulsion when I heard about the expulsion of the hard-working businessman. Part of Speech: noun Link: revulsion
Definition: to humiliate or embarrass Derivatives: mortifies, mortified, mortifying Sentence: It would mortify Mike if he did not have enough money to buy his date lunch. Part of Speech: verb Link: not enough to buy
Definition: to make legally ineffective; cancel Derivatives: nullifies, nullified, nullifying Sentence: The divorce papers will nullify their marriage, which then makes some people cry. Part of Speech: verb Link: people cry
Definition: threatening harm or evil; menacing Derivative: ominously Sentence: The dangerous situation became even more ominous when the engine quit. Part of Speech: adjective Link: dangerous