MEMORIAL TRIBUTE 8:30 AM – 9:25 AM April 19, Annual Conference Rotary International District 6970 Cecil F. Gibson III, Governor
“He who tries to find the good in others will be rewarded, for others will truly find the good in him. Of all the earth’s sad and lonesome creatures, the most hopeless is he who loves not his fellow man” Paul P Harris The Rotarian 1923
Rotary Club of Daytona Beach William Harrison
Rotary Club of Deerwood Don Davis
Rotary Club of Deland Walter A. (Wally) Drumb
Rotary Club of Downtown Deland William E. (Bill) Duff
Rotary Club of Deland Gordon J. S. Rothermel
Rotary Club of Deland Katherine J. (Katy) Gordin
Rotary Club of Fernandina Beach Norman Schell
Rotary Club of Flagler County Raymond I. (Ray) Nickol
Rotary Club of Four Townes-Orange City Sam Bulla
Rotary Club of Gainesville L. B. Gravley
Rotary Club of Gainesville Ken Tefertiller
Rotary Club of Jacksonville William E. (Billy) Arnold Jr.
Rotary Club of Jacksonville Margo E. Dundon
Rotary Club of Jacksonville Robert O. (Bob) Mickler
Rotary Club of Jacksonville RADM Max K. Morris
Rotary Club of Jacksonville Charles C. (Corky) Smith Jr.
Rotary Club of Mandarin John R. (Bob) Arnold
Rotary Club of Ocala Southwest George Kelsey
Rotary Club of Palatka Jim Collins
Rotary Club of Palatka George Sanders
Rotary Club of Palatka Keith Steen
Rotary Club of Port Orange-South Daytona Randall McCarty
Rotary Club of Riverside J. Stephen (Steve) Risley
Rotary Club of Riverside John J. (Jack) Weyer III
Rotary Club of St. Augustine James E. (Jimmy) Brock
Rotary Club of St. Augustine Hamilton D. Upchurch
Rotary Club of Starke Larry Noegel
“Now, at the close of this, my last year of activity in the National Association, and just before the drop of the curtain in the final scene, I shall give myself the honor of a moment's pause before the footlights while I take a low bow and with heartfelt sincerity….. I bid you God’s speed. Fare ye Well.” Paul P Harris – The National Rotarian August 1912
Ode to Night and Light Melody from the opera Hyppolyte et Aricie by Jean Philippe Rameau Lyrics by JC Casagrande
O Night The earth endow with your shadow The mere hint of your cloak Inspire my lidded eye Long my silent heart for your comfort My harbor in your calm In your depth my repose abiding I enter in your realm And in your care To earth I return
O Light O twinkling spot in the stark void Beckoning gentle host Of the heavenly vault Source of everlasting discernment My consciousness you fuel As you swell in eternal brilliance Your glow enfolds my soul And in your day Forever I live