CREATING THE CARING NETWORK: A TRAINING PROGRAM FOR IN-HOME RESPITE CARE PROVIDERS Val Croissant, M.S., CTRS Director, Training and Program Development Easter Seals Wisconsin 2011 National Respite Conference Many Faces of Respite November 2011
AGENDA Wisconsin Lifespan Respite Care Project Creating the Modules Logistics Registry
WISCONSIN LIFESPAN RESPITE CARE PROJECT Funding: Sept 1, 2010 – Aug 31, 2013 Partners: State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services/Division of Long-Term Care Respite Care Association of Wisconsin (RCAW) Easter Seals Wisconsin (ESW) Wisconsin Quality Home Care Authority (WQHCA)
PROJECT GOALS Creation and delivery of a base-level, comprehensive Respite Care Provider Training curriculum Creation of a statewide, web-based “Care Registry” referral database of trained respite providers Increased awareness of respite care options through a Public Awareness Campaign
CREATING THE MODULES In-Home Respite Care 101 Across the Lifespan
CURRICULUM ADVISORY GROUP Represent a variety of caregiver populations Role: Develop priorities for curriculum content Evaluate existing and revised content Approve teaching and trainee manuals Review pre- and post-test results following Pilot Training; recommendations to modify curriculum
DISABILITY BASICS The Power of Words by Judy Endow Keeping It General: Know the Person Fact Sheets Website Information
AMERICAN RED CROSS CAREGIVER TRAINING Caring for a Loved One with Alzheimer's Disease or Dementia Positioning and Helping Your Loved One Move Assisting with Personal Care
MANDATED REPORTER TRAINING Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect - Mandated Reporter Training Program (SCAN-MRT) Developed by Child Protection Center, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin State-specific
“BE THE HORIZON” CARING FOR CHALLENGING MOMENTS Stages of Challenging Moments Be the CALM in the Storm
COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES Examples Picture Boards Communication Boards Sign Language
FREE TIME ACTIVITIES Age-Appropriate Adaptations Community Outings
MAKING CONNECTIONS Initial Meeting Training Know Your Limits Professionalism
MINI-COURSES Four-hour Training Sessions: Working with individuals with challenging behaviors Working with individuals with developmental disabilities Working with individuals with emotional disabilities
LOGISTICS Two-day Training Sessions 14 Trainings in Years 2 & 3 6 locations across state Half-day Mini-Courses 24 Trainings in Years 2 & 3 6 locations across state
STATEWIDE MARKETING/ PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGN Targeted Training Areas Organizations: Personal Contacts blast and Newsletter articles Press Releases in Targeted Areas
REGISTRY Respite Care Association of Wisconsin: Online Registry of trained respite providers Searchable database for families & caregivers Trained Lifespan Respite Care providers eligible for Registry following background check
CONTACT INFORMATION Val Croissant, M.S., CTRS Director, Training and Program Development Easter Seals Wisconsin ext 111