On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion 11FE031 KASUMI ODASHIMA
Mary Anne Warren Associate professor of Philosophy at San Francisco State University American writer her writings on the issue of abortion
Argument Because women are persons and fetus are not, women’s rights override whatever right to life a fetus may possess. Override・・・to be regarded as more important than something else Right to life・・・生存権
On the definition of “Human” (1) it is wrong to kill innocent human beings → “human being has the moral sense” (2) fetuses are innocent human beings →”human being has the genetic sense” it is wrong to kill fetuses Genetic sense
On the definition of “Human” primary criteria of personhood Sentience (感覚性) Emotionality(情動性) Reason (理性) The capacity to communicate Self-awareness (自己認識) Moral agency (道徳的行為者性) →a fetus is a human being which is not yet a person, and which therefore cannot have full moral rights Personhood 個性、人間性 感覚性・・・Eighteenth century philosophers used the concept to distinguish the ability to think ("reason") from the ability to feel ("sentience"). Moral agency is a person‘s ability to make moral judgments based on general notion of right and wrong and to be resposibile for these actions
Fetal Development and the Right to life (1) How a human being need to be before it begins to have a right to life? (2)Does the fact that a fetus has the potential for becoming a person endow it with the same right?
(1) How a human being need to be before it begins to have a right to life? 7 month fetus → have a form of consciousness Respond to stimuli (light, sound) But, not as conscious, or as capable of emotion as a very young infant is little or no capacity for reason, intentional communication, or self awarenesses fetus is not have a right to life
No, a fetus doesn’t have the same right. (2)Does the fact that a fetus has the potential for becoming a person endow it with the same right? No, a fetus doesn’t have the same right.
Conclusion Women are persons, and fetuses are not Women’s rights to life liberty, and physical integrity override whatever right to life Laws that deny women’ the right to obtain abortions are unjustified violation! Integrity・・・the quality of being honest and strong about what you believe to be right