Secularization and Religious Conflict Presented By Dr.Anuradha Bapuly Asst. Professor, Department of Sociology Vasant Kanya Mahavidyalaya Kamachha, Varanasi
Meaning of Secularization Secularization is a process of social change through which the influence of religion declines in public affair. This process is also concerned with an ideology which implies that the state will not be governed by religious authorities. That the state will have no official religion. The state does not discriminate between citizens on the basis of their religions.
Characteristics of secularization Separation of religion from the state Rationalism and scientific outlook Emphasis on this world as opposed to other world Religious Neutrality Secularism promotes humanitarian values Antithesis of communalism
Classical and Modern Thinkers on Secularization The main proponents of the Secularization Theory are August Comte Emile Durkheim Max Weber Peter Berger All the theories agree on one point that the role of the religion will decline in the course of social evolution. Religion will become more and more personal and it will not be the identity of the society. It will lead to societies where many heterogeneous group can co-exist.
Factors Promoting Secularization Modern Education Development of the means of transport and communication Social and Religious Reform Movements Industrialization and Urbanization Legislation The Indian Constitution Western Culture Diversity of religious cults and practices in modern society.
Secularism in Practice Secularism is our Constitutional Commitment. The Preamble declares that India is a ‘’ Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic’’. The Indian State does not establish, recognise or endow any religion. It gives special protection to the minorities. Article15(1) and 15(2) prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion.. Article 25(1) guarantees freedom of conscience and the right to profess, propagate and practice religion. Article 30 (1) lays down that all minorities whether based on religion or language shall have the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice.
Influence of Secularization Secularization has not influenced modern society uniformly. It impacts more- On men than on women On educated sections than on the illiterates or semi-literates On young than on the aged In the cities than in the villages On those classes (or castes) directly linked to modern industrial production than on such more traditional occupations as artisans and small shopkeepers. Secularization has put much of social life under the domination of rational processes of science and under the control of bureaucratic and technological structures whose logic and legitimation is derived from science.
Impediments in the Implementation of Secularization Problem of Communalism Communal based Parties Religious Bigotry Problem of Vote - Bank Politics Disharmony caused due to the Inability to introduce a Common Civil Code
Religious Conflicts in India Religious conflicts is a result of intolerance between religious communities. India has witnessed several religious conflicts and violence. The partition of India in 1947 Gujarat riots 1969 Bhagalpur riots 1989 Demolition of Babri Mosque in Ayodhya in 1992 In 1993, Bombay riots and Bombay blast by Muslim Mafia Don Dawood Ibrahim in 2001, Attack on the Indian Parliament by Islamic Militants Gujarat riots which were retaliation to the Godhra Train burning in 2002 In 2007, 19 churches were burnt in Odisha
Role of Secularization in the Eradication of Religious Conflicts As the state stops discriminating between its citizens on religious basis, there will be no group or sect that feels deprived. Secularization of the society may bring in a firm resolve in fighting against religious fundamentalism. People will become more tolerant towards other faith. As the rule of law will prevail atrocities against the marginalized sections of the society will come down drastically. As religion or faith becomes more and more personal, many of the conflicts would not take place.
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