Employment in the new economy…
We are a veteran-operated non-profit organization dedicated to filling gaps in employment assistance and humanitarian aid provided to military families. We engage employers in the distribution of specialized workforce training that is beneficial to veterans, but also to employers.
Employment in the new economy… Strengthens mental discipline to improve perseverance and performance despite challenging circumstances. Combats apathy and discouragement that contribute to a veteran’s unemployment, ill health, homelessness, and suicide.
Employment in the new economy… Unlike traditional job readiness training, VET does not teach you how to write resumes, elevator speeches, or even how to look for jobs. You learn how to succeed in the civilian world by leveraging the high performance skills you developed while in the military. Employers hire people, not their paperwork, and not for their skills to find a job.
Employment in the new economy… You learn how to succeed in the civilian world by leveraging the high performance skills you developed while in the military. Employers hire people, not their paperwork, and not for their skills to find a job. To boost perseverance. To boost performance.
A Vet Empowered Mindset Focuses On Why You Should Be Hired Lack Transferrable Skills Lack Education Skills Mismatch Slow Acclimation Require Assistance Duty Related Absences Concerns About PTSD Transitioning vets focus too much on why employers say they should NOT be hired. This is the worst mindset to have when battling for jobs in a down economy. Many of these things don’t matter to employers that are committed to hiring vets. Attitude and work ethic. Mental agility. Leadership. Teamwork. Trustworthy. Disciplined. Loyal and resilient. Skilled and successful. Stay focused on why employers say they NEED to hire vets. 1.Vet empower the right mindset. 2.Search where you’re wanted. 3.Show them you have what it takes. VET
Which is exactly what employer’s are looking for in this economy.
Civilian Employees Are fatigued. Disengaged. Unproductive. Planning their departure. Civilian Job Hunters Are discouraged. Have stopped looking. Filing mental disability claims. Settling for less.
Civilian Employees Are fatigued. Disengaged. Unproductive. Planning their departure. Civilian Job Hunters Are discouraged. Have stopped looking. Filing mental disability claims. Settling for less. EMPLOYERS SAY We need more horsepower to survive this economy. Maybe vets have the horsepower to succeed in situations where civilians might not. Presumed Vet Power
You were intensely trained for high performance… But then re-trained for transition to the civilian world. Transition assistance training attempts to transform soldiers to civilians, potentially jeopardizing vet power. When interviewing, employers look under your hood to ensure you still have the vet power for high performance in the civilian world.
Sustained vet power is essential to all employers in all industries.
We need warriors who happen to be civilians, not civilians who don’t know how to be warriors. VET shows you how to deliver what employers expect to see.
When transitioning from soldier to civilian… Or as you transition from one civilian job to another… Capitalize on your vet power. Keep leveraging vet equity. The mental discipline, attitude, and work ethic to succeed in situations where civilians might not. Once a vet, always a vet. The average person will never receive the depth of disciplinary training a vet has received.
Employers become frustrated if you’re not what they expected. They make excuses, say you lack transferrable skills. They assume you won’t adapt quickly or may have PTSD. But when you have vet power, employers may create a job just to get you on board. They may overlook your lack of certain skills. They may endow you with skills you don’t have. They hope your vet powers will rub off on others. With Vet Power Without Vet Power Because employers presume vets have the horsepower to succeed in situations where civilians might not. VET helps you capitalize on this presumption, and create a better reality.
Employment in the new economy… Get VET Today FREE online to military families. Visit our website to learn more. Take the self-assessment to explore how VET can accelerate your success and wellbeing. Enjoy ROI for your military training. Find meaningful jobs faster. Create ease if starting your own business. Maintain a healthy attitude and lifestyle. Prevent procrastination and self-sabotage. Increase self-motivation and engagement. Prevent self-limiting beliefs. Persevere despite difficult circumstances. Enjoy higher levels of resilience.
Employment in the new economy…