American Nuclear Society Human Factors, Instrumentation & Controls Division Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Joseph Naser June 18, 2014 Reno, Nevada
The Human Factors, Instrumentation & Controls Division of ANS will be recognized as the leading division for advancing and promoting measurement and control technologies and the interface between operators, controls and instruments. * Vision and mission updated in 2013 HFICD Vision
HFICD focuses on improving plant safety, performance, reliability, personnel safety, and efficiency of nuclear power plants. The related technologies for the division include the human component of nuclear plant operation, along with the underlying instrumentation, control, and human-machine interface technologies. The division sets out to disseminate HFICD knowledge and promote its use for the benefit of the nuclear industry. HFICD will provide its members with opportunities for professional development, the means to share information and advancements in technology, and will also support the overall ANS mission to engage the public and policy makers through various portals of communication. HFICD Mission
Mission Component 1: Professional Development 1.Promote the education of nuclear industry professionals in the niche focus of human factors and instrumentation and control related topics. 2.Encourage development and recognize outstanding member achievement and performance. Mission Component 2: Sharing Information and Advancements in Technology Regularly inform division members and others on division activities and recent developments in our field and provide technical information which informs others about HFICD technologies. HFICD Mission (continued)
Mission Component 3: Growing HFICD Membership The division will work to grow membership by 20% over the next five years. Mission Component 4: Engaging the Public and Policy Makers The HFICD will support the overall ANS goal to increase awareness of the safe, effective, and efficient applications and contributions of nuclear technology as well as obtaining policy makers support for use of nuclear science to meet societal needs. HFICD Mission (continued)
Officers: Chair: Joseph Naser Secretary: Sacit Cetiner First Vice-Chair: John MahoneyTreasurer: Terry Jackson Second Vice-Chair: Sean Smith Past-Chair: Hash Hashemian Executive Committee: 2014 Sacit Cetiner 2015 Jamie Baalis CobleStaff Liaison 2015 Daniel Cole 2014 William CrumpackerBonnifer Ballard 2014 David Holcomb 2014 Timothy HurstBoard Liaison 2014 Terry Jackson 2014 John Mahoney Darby Kimball 2016 Charles McCarthy 2014 Joseph Naser EX Officio 2016 Barbara Newsom 2016 Edward QuinnHans Gougar 2016 Carol Smidts2014 Sean SmithHash Hashemian 2016 Mehdi Tadjalli2014 Atoosa P-J Thunem 2014 Christopher Wiegand HFICD Governance
In-Coming Officers: Chair: John Mahoney Secretary: Sacit Cetiner First Vice-Chair: Sean Smith Treasurer: Terry Jackson Second Vice-Chair: Jamie Baalis Coble Past-Chair: Joseph Naser Newly Elected Executive Committee Members: 2017 Leroy Hardin 2017 Raymond Herb 2017 Wesley Hines 2017 Kathryn McCarthy 2017 John O’Hara HFICD Governance
Address Metrics for Governance Bylaws & Rules Status: –Updated and approved in May 2013 –Available on HFICD website Strategic Planning Status: –Updated October 2013 –Listed on slides 4 and 5 under HFICD Mission Communication: –Website address – this website was substantially upgraded and expanded in the second half of 2012 –Newsletter status – 2013 newsletter available on website HFICD Governance
6.73% of ANS Membership Division Membership Trend
Division Membership
Endowment of HFICD undergraduate scholarship completed in 2013 Executive Committee in 2013 agreed to convert HFID undergraduate scholarship to a graduate scholarship and to name it for Robert Uhrig Additional endowment for graduate scholarship completed in 2014 Student support includes student conference sponsorship and travel support for student member of HFICD Executive Committee Division Finances
9th International Conference on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control & Human–Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC & HMIT 2015) will be held February 21-26, 2015 in Charlotte, NC – Hash Hashemian, General Chair (website –Full papers to be published in proceedings –Two-day training course on fundamentals of nuclear plant instrumentation offered weekend preceding the conference –Work with ANS to contribute best papers as a special section in Nuclear News (as done with previous NPIC & HMIT conferences) –All part of HFICD’s technical information exchange focus Maintain NPIC & HMIT as the premiere international topical meeting for I&C and human factors HFICD Information
2014 Don Miller HFICD achievement award recipients are Douglas Chapin (I&C) and Hidekazu Yoshikawa (HF) Major focus to increase utility participation in ANS including: –Increased utility membership in HFICD (currently 18%) –Increased utility participation and attendance in NPIC & HMIT 2015 Succession plan changed in 2013: added second vice- chair Multiple sessions and papers at ANS Annual Meetings and UWG (exception: one session at ANS 2014 Winter due to close proximity to NPIC & HMIT 2105) HFICD Information (continued)
New HFICD Vision and Mission Statements in 2013 Don Miller Award recognizes outstanding achievements in human factors and instrumentation & control domains 9 th NPIC & HMIT conference in February 2015 Division sponsored scholarship –Undergraduate scholarship completely endowed in 2013 –Converted to graduate scholarship with additional funding to completely endow it in 2014 – named for Robert Uhrig Significant focuses on: –Increasing utility membership in ANS and HFICD –Providing student support –Increasing technical information exchanges –Maintaining NPIC & HMIT as premiere international conference on HF and I&C HFICD Summary