“ACCCA is committed to developing and supporting community college leaders through unparalleled advocacy, professional development and networking opportunities.”
The Association of California Community College Administrators Board of Directors Executive Committee Nominating Committee Finance Committee Policies & Procedures Committee* Commissions of the Associations COC CFLA MDC
Association Operations Executive Director Membership Services Communications Meetings and Events Support Services
Board of Directors Officers comprise Executive Committee which meets monthly with the Director and advises full Board. Commission chairs may be asked to attend. Full Board meets FOUR times annually however members are expected to be active on at least one commission or a project 22 Members in , one alternate Business Member.
Standing Committees of the Board Executive Committee: includes all officers of the Board and ex- officio members are the Director and all commission chairpersons. The committee meets monthly. Finance Committee: Chaired by the 2 nd VP the committee includes three members appointed by the President who may or may not be board members. The director serves as ex-officio member. The committee meets at least quarterly. Nominating Committee: Chaired by the President-Elect the committee meets as needed to develop talent within the leadership of the Association and the Board as well as annual award nominees. Policies & Procedures Review Committee (proposed in 11/12): Chaired by the Executive Director, the Committee includes three members of the Board representing Administrative Services, Instruction and CEO members.
Commission for Legislation and Advocacy Keep Members Informed! Monitor legislation and policy discussions at the state level. No less than 8 members (currently 13) Recommend official positions & advocate.
Management Development Commission No less than 16 members (currently 31) 3 Teams: *Conference Planning Team *Ongoing Programs *Emerging Program s Plans all professional development activities
Communications Oversight Commission Not less than 5 members (currently 6) EDITORIAL BOARD Newsletter 11 issues All electronic & one print Website & Social Networking Event Marketing and Recruitment Materials Salary Survey & other Scholarly Publications
Association Staff Susan Bray, Executive Director. Has been with ACCCA since Liaison to the Board of Directors and all commissions, Susan is directly responsible for the administrative, day to day operation and strategic planning of the Association. Keegan Jeffries, Associate Director for Events. Hired in January, Oversees all planning and on-site execution of ACCCA meetings, events, webinars and programs as well as ACBO bi-annual conferences and other professional development programs. Christel Mikami, Membership Coordinator. Hired in April, Oversees all planning and execution of member recruitment and retention activities, as well as all membership record keeping and data analysis. Administrative Assistant. Currently unfilled position. Handles all office management, financial processing, production, filing and reception duties for ACCCA. These duties are currently being handled by other staff. Plans to hire in July in progress. Cort Tafoya, Communications Coordinator. Full time position as of June 1, works with the Executive Director, Communications Oversight Commission and Editorial Board to develop newsletter content, maintain the Association’s web site and develop all promotional and marketing materials.
Consultants & Contractors Sheila Vickers & Michelle McKay-Underwood, Legislative Consultants from School Services of California, Inc. They consult with the CFLA on a monthly basis and advises the Board in the development of ACCCA positions on legislation and policy. Tracy Newell, ACCCA Meeting Planner, and CEO of Meetingwise LLC. Tracy consults with the MDC and advises the Associate Director & Executive Director with regard to site selection and some on-site execution in Karen Takayama, certified public accountant with Buckley & Endow CPAs, Karen serves as the ACCCA bookkeeper and works with staff to process payroll and payroll tax reports, maintain our financial records, develop monthly and annual reports on income and expense as well as the annual state and federal tax filings. She advises the Executive Director and consults with the Finance Committee as necessary. Jeff Byrd, Graphic Designer currently with the California Business Journal, Jeff freelances with other companies including ACCCA to provide graphic design and does the layout of our monthly newsletter and has designed most of our current program logos.
The Role of the Board Officer Board President 2 nd Vice President President- Elect Immediate Past President
Officers duties will vary from position to position… President of the Board: Work with the Executive Director to oversee operations; serve as Chair of the Executive Committee and Liaison with all Commissions and Committees. President-Elect: Serves as Chair of the Nominating Committee; Member of the Policies & Procedures Committee*; and as liaison to the Board’s Business and Retired Member Reps. 2nd Vice President: Serves as Chair of the Finance Committee; Treasurer of the Association and works with the Executive Director to monitor the fiscal health of the Association. Immediate Past President: Serves as the Association’s representative on the Chancellor’s Consultation Council and as a member of the Policies & Procedures Committee*.
Your role as a board member isn’t complicated… Here are some helpful hints to keep you engaged and involved: Maintain your board binder & keep track of materials Set up a broadcast list Get ACCCA dates on your calendar and plan to participate in meetings and events in advance Align yourself with a commission or project Respond quickly & pay attention to s from your ACCCA colleagues Build a relationship with your Campus Rep. If you are the rep… If you don’t have a rep…
Helpful hints… Attend all ACCCA Board Meetings—there are only four! Attend the meetings of your assigned commission or committee, and participate in as many of the events as you can. Read the ACCCA Newsletter and alerts; visit the web site for information and show others on your campus how to get involved. Become an ACCCA Cheerleader!
Leading ACCCA in and Beyond Accepting the Commitment to a CauseSetting Performance ObjectivesDeveloping Articulated StrategiesEstablishing Financial PrioritiesCommunicating the Mission Modeling Ethical Administrative Leadership Encouraging Leadership Development
Responsibilities of the Board The Board as a Unit: Does not direct staff Individual members do not make public statements on behalf of the Board Publically support all Board decisions Setting Policy and Direction: Allocate time at meetings for policy and direction discussions Periodically review the Association’s Mission, Vision & Values Statements Goals for Positive Leadership: Seek consultation with ACCCA members on your campus Support ACCCA events and programs Model a desire for professional development & advancement
What can you expect from the ACCCA Board? You’ll have fun!
Develop great friendships…
Sure, there will be meetings, and lots of work…
And, sometimes you won’t believe what you’ll hear…
We may even ask you to play a leading role…
But in the end, it’s all about the people…so rejoice!
And remember why you got involved in the first place…to make a difference.
And you will…welcome to the 40 th year of ACCCA!