Republican Leadership
Learning Objective: Identify Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Teapot Dome, “ prophet of prosperity, ” Andrew Mellon, Alfred E. Smith, Ohio Gang, Albert Fall, conservatism; Discuss and analyze nine political cartoons depicting main events in the Harding and Coolidge administrations and the election of Hoover;
Warren G. Harding in office: Appointed some bright people to cabinet positions, such as Charles Evan Hughes (S. of State), Herbert Hoover (Dep. Of Commerce), and Andrew Mellons (S. of Treasury) Also appointed some friends from Ohio -known as the Ohio Gang” - corrupt, wanted personal gain
Teapot Dome Scandal (Teapot Dome, WY) Albert Fall (S. of the Interior) secretly leased wilderness areas to oil companies; blew up and public found out about the deal Convicted of accepting a bribe and spent time in jail
Calvin Coolidge as President: Took over in Aug after Harding died Hired a new attorney general, Harlan Fiske Stone - job was to weed out the Ohio Gang Great faith in American business; felt the U.S. should be guided by business principles Basic beliefs in office: Laissez-Faire policy towards business (hands-off approach) NOT EVERYONE PROSPERED; FARMERS AND UNIONIZED WORKERS DID NOT **
Election of 1928 Herbert Hoover: nominated the Republican candidate –Believed in “rugged individualism” - individual work and diligence can accomplish anything –Conservative, pro-business, Protestant
Election of 1928 Alfred E. Smith - (D) Candidate –Pro public health, workers’ compensation, civil liberties, gov.’t control of some industries, Catholic Hoover won easily - took 40 of 48 states - “continuation of prosperity” 6 mo. After Hoover took office, stock market collapsed, start of the “Great Depression”
WIO: Republican Leadership Select two problems/issues of the 1920s, and draw a symbol for each. Then explain how the Republican leadership dealt with the issues.