Republican Power Three Presidents will come to office who believe in big business and less government. Conservative Platform
Warren G Harding Elected in 1920 Return to “Normalcy” Step away from social problems Teapot Dome Scandal Died in Office
Calvin Coolidge WGH Vice President Takes office in 1923 elected in 1924 Serious and unfriendly man Believed in Supply side Economics “Trickle down” Disarmament Dawes Plan Herbert Hoover Elected in 1928
Economic Prosperity During the 1920’s business and wealth was at its peak Economic Boom New Industry-Car, Henry Ford- Assembly Line Downtown- Center of business/ industry
Corporations Small business are consumed by larger Corporations are owned by stockholders, not one individual Corporations became specialized Run by Board of Directors Managed by departments etc.
Labor Corporation attempted to destroy Unions Welfare Capitalism: Employee Benefits, keep workers away from unions –Medical plans, plant improvements