THINKER BELLWORKS 1.List five things that contributed to the rural-urban divide in the 1920s. 2.The 1920’s decade was characterized by a republican shift in politics. The 1920’s presidents advocated isolationism, decreased immigration, and less government involvement in the economy. In your opinion, why did Americans support these changes? What about Wilson and/or WWI would cause Americans to support a more isolationist and conservative president? 3.How does a President’s personal life effect public opinion? Would you change your opinion about a president if they were involved in a scandal that had nothing to do with politics? Why or why not? Explain! 4.Do you think Presidents are scrutinized too much by the media? Or is this justified? Explain!
The Republican Decade
Warren G. Harding “Return to normalcy” Isolationism (major policy) –Avoid political or economic alliances with foreign countries Nativism –Favor native born Americans over immigrants “In America everyone is guilty, until proven rich”
Teapot Dome Scandal Albert Fall – Harding’s Secretary of the Interior. Leased government oil fields to wealthy friends in exchange for hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes. Oil field at Teapot Dome, Wyoming went for $400,000! Fall became first cabinet member to go to prison.
Calvin Coolidge VP under Harding Lassiez-faire business policies –Minimize government intervention Ruled against progressive legislation Kellogg-Briand Pact: made war illegal; signed by 14 countries
Herbert Hoover Felt the government and economy were wasteful and inefficient…. standardization! 8hr work day, nutrition for children, conservation of natural resources “Good Neighbor Policy” Dawes Plan: loans from U.S. banks to help Germany pay reparations
Harding’s Scandals While President Harding was in office, there were numerous scandals. They involved government bribes, affairs, illegitimate children and mysterious suicides. You are now going to read specifically about these scandals. Answer the questions on the worksheet. Be ready to discuss! "Sex is a part of life, and corruption is always a part of power, and wherever there are men, these sorts of things have always happened and they probably always will. This is a phenomenon that transcends cultures and religions and nations.“ Don Wead – presidential historian
CLOSURE As review, create a chart like the one on the board. List Republican decade domestic and foreign policies. Be ready to discuss!
Scandals in the Oval Office Harding’s Scandals and Teapot Dome
Florence Harding
Carrie Fulton Phillips
Nan Britton
Margaret Gorman The first Ms. America.
"I have no trouble with my enemies. I can take care of my enemies in a fight. But my friends, my goddamned friends, they're the ones who keep me walking the floor at nights!" -Quote from Harding on his cabinet of friends and the corruption that plagued it.
Washington Post publisher and owner Ned McLean, with his wife Evalyn.
Albert B. Fall Harding’s first Secretary of the Interior
Harry M. Daugherty U.S. Attorney General
Jess Smith
Col. Charles R. Forbes The first director of the Veteran’s Bureau.
Dr. Charles Sawyer
The Teapot Dome Scandal
Harding in Alaska with his wife and Cabinet members
Gaston B. Means