IFAS ED Kazakhstan / OSCE Centre Astana: Republican Conference on Integrated Water Management, Kyzylorda г. Стр. 1 GIZ Program: Enhancing Economic and Environmental Welfare in the Aral Sea Region Benjamin Mohr Senior Advisor GIZ Kazakhstan
IFAS ED Kazakhstan / OSCE Centre Astana: Republican Conference on Integrated Water Management, Kyzylorda г. Стр. 2 Enhancing Economic and Environmental Welfare in the Aral Sea Region (EEWA) The motto of the regional EEWA program is: “Making more of less – Developing opportunities amid dwindling resources” EEWA`s concern is to facilitate “green growth”: an economically and environmentally sustainable development for the benefit of the people living in the Aral Sea Region. On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) EEWA provides: Support to regional and national development strategies Technical assistance and capacity development for Producers, service providers and the administration Opportunities for regional exchange, learning and networks
IFAS ED Kazakhstan / OSCE Centre Astana: Republican Conference on Integrated Water Management, Kyzylorda г. Стр. 3 Think regional, act regional EEWA is part of the Aral Sea Basin Program-3 (ASBP-3) of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS): ASBP-3 follows four major direction: I Integrated Water Resources Management II Environmental Protection III Socio-economic Development EEWA is implemented within this direction IV Improvement of institutional and legal instruments IWM is addressed within the EEWA program by: Resource saving technologies Management of aquatic resources Alternative agricultural development
IFAS ED Kazakhstan / OSCE Centre Astana: Republican Conference on Integrated Water Management, Kyzylorda г. Стр. 4 Value chain promotion as a key instrument Value chain promotion provides technical assistance and capacity development for producers, service providers and the administration of selected sub-sectors: Melons, liquorice and greenhouse products Fodder crops, aquaculture and fisheries Handicrafts and horticulture The value chains are set so as to generate explicit environmental benefits, by: Applying principles of sustainable resource use in agriculture Introducing Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) and Integrated Pest Management Promoting quality standards and product safety Promoting energy efficiency and the use of alternative energies
IFAS ED Kazakhstan / OSCE Centre Astana: Republican Conference on Integrated Water Management, Kyzylorda г. Стр. 5 Resource saving technologies: Good Agricultural Practice Promotion of Alfalfa based water preserving crop rotation systems: Improved seeds, training of trainers and farmers, field days Improved soil fertility management Availability of winter fodder and farmers profit Supporting of certified local seed production
IFAS ED Kazakhstan / OSCE Centre Astana: Republican Conference on Integrated Water Management, Kyzylorda г. Стр. 6 Resource saving technologies: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Integrated Pest Management to fight the Baluchistan Melon Fly: Elaboration and dissemination of IPM schemes Training plant protection services, trainers and demonstration of IPM on farm level Publication of guide books and information for farmers in 5 languages Joint development of national IPM approaches Certification of melon production (in process)
IFAS ED Kazakhstan / OSCE Centre Astana: Republican Conference on Integrated Water Management, Kyzylorda г. Стр. 7 Resource saving technologies: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Increase of production and net earning from melons in Karakalpakstan, decrease of expenditures for pesticides Year Prodcution (to) Production (area ha)
IFAS ED Kazakhstan / OSCE Centre Astana: Republican Conference on Integrated Water Management, Kyzylorda г. Стр. 8 Fisheries and Aquaculture: Ecosystem-based enhancement fisheries and aquaculture in selected lake systems Development of enhancement strategies Introducing adaptive fisheries management practice Ecological and economical assessments Capacity Development for producer, service providers and administration Management of aquatic resources: Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture
IFAS ED Kazakhstan / OSCE Centre Astana: Republican Conference on Integrated Water Management, Kyzylorda г. Стр. 9 Greenhouse production: Practical extension for producers and trainings for service providers to secure investments and increase production Preparation of training modules and guidelines Applying principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) including bio-control Alternative agricultural development: Greenhouse production
IFAS ED Kazakhstan / OSCE Centre Astana: Republican Conference on Integrated Water Management, Kyzylorda г. Стр. 10 Renewable Energy supply for pastoral settlements Pilot Systems based on photo-voltaic solutions developed Socio-economic conditions of remote livestock farmers improved Contributions to sustainable pasture management Alternative agricultural development: Decentralised rural energy supply
IFAS ED Kazakhstan / OSCE Centre Astana: Republican Conference on Integrated Water Management, Kyzylorda г. Стр. 11 Integrated Water Management: Analysis of the Baseline Survey In 2010 EEWA conducted a socio-economic survey covering 300 farming households Selected analysis concerning water management
IFAS ED Kazakhstan / OSCE Centre Astana: Republican Conference on Integrated Water Management, Kyzylorda г. Стр. 12 Integrated Water Management: Analysis of the Baseline Survey Absence of water saving technologies
IFAS ED Kazakhstan / OSCE Centre Astana: Republican Conference on Integrated Water Management, Kyzylorda г. Стр. 13 Sufficiency of water for irrigation Integrated Water Management: Analysis of the Baseline Survey
IFAS ED Kazakhstan / OSCE Centre Astana: Republican Conference on Integrated Water Management, Kyzylorda г. Стр. 14 Integrated Water Management: Analysis of the Baseline Survey Organisation of water user: NoYes
IFAS ED Kazakhstan / OSCE Centre Astana: Republican Conference on Integrated Water Management, Kyzylorda г. Стр. 15 Спасибо за внимание!