1920’s Republican Presidents Harding, Coolidge, & Hoover
Warren G. Harding 29th President ( ) Newspaper businessman/Ohio Senator Against League of Nations Good looking, not qualified “Return to Normalcy”
Warren G. Harding 29th President ( ) “Ohio Gang” Cabinet: filled with scandals Teapot Dome Scandal Fordney-McCumber Tariff Died of Heart Attack returning from Alaska
Calvin Coolidge 30th President ( ) Gov. of Mass. Boston Police Strike VP under Harding President after Harding dies “Silent Cal” Known for his mid-day naps
Calvin Coolidge 30th President ( ) Supports Big Business Investigated Harding scandals Denies Farmers Special Aid Programs Kellogg-Briand Treaty Outlaws War
Herbert Hoover 31st President ( ) Iowa Born Stanford Graduate Mining Engineer Millionaire Food Administration Director Secretary of Commerce
Hebert Hoover 31st President ( ) Stock Market Crash 1932=12 million unemployed Public Building Programs Hoover Dam