Siouxland Republican Women
Go to and check out the bills. Make a list of which bills are important to you. Click on Current Legislative Session in the left column Click on Bills Click on Full List: This screen appears Scroll through and discover what bills are in store for this year.
Step 1: Click on My Legislative Research Step 2: Click on Create an Account
1. Create user name 2. Create password 3. Enter 4. Click on Create Account
Click on Bills In the box next to List Name, type the name of a list of bills you wish to follow. You can put all bills in one list, or create several based on topics. Click on Add List
Your list names show up here Click on your list and this screen appears
Highlight the bills you want to follow Click Add Bills Your list shows on the right side of your screen Scroll to the bottom of your screen for tips on how to add bills to your list.
Several options appear for you to choose from. Click on the list you want to check. All highlighted words are links to more information about the bill.
Siouxland Republican Women Copyright © 2012 Siouxland Republican Women