P OLITICAL P HILOSOPHIES Classical Republicanism Natural Rights Philosophy
S TATE OF N ATURE Classical Republicanism People are equally free Only concerned with self preservation Unequal distribution of wealth turns focus to individual interests Natural Rights People are equally free People possess Natural Rights to life, liberty, and property Unequal distribution of wealth turns focus to individual interests
S OCIAL C ONTRACT Classical Republicanism People surrender ALL RIGHTS to the general will The government will redistribute those rights important to citizenship as it see fit Natural Rights People surrender POWER to the government (executive, legislative, and judicial power) Government exists to protect natural rights
P OLITICAL P HILOSOPHIES Classical Republicanism Individuals should put the needs of the community before self- interest. Civic Virtue is an essential element Natural Rights Individuals are motivated primarily by self-interest.
P OLITICAL P HILOSOPHIES Classical Republicanism Purpose of government is to promote the common good. Natural Rights Purpose of government is to protect individual rights.
P OLITICAL P HILOSOPHIES Classical Republicanism Theory emphasizes the responsibilities/obligati ons of democratic citizenship. Focus on your DUTY as a citizen Natural Rights Theory emphasizes the rights/powers of democratic citizenship. Focus on your POWER as an individual
P OLITICAL P HILOSOPHIES Classical Republicanism “Citizens” are primarily political entities. The government defines who is a citizen, and what the benefits are of citizenship Natural Rights “Citizens” are primarily legal entities. The government protects citizens – primarily from itself
P OLITICAL P HILOSOPHIES Classical Republicanism To be a good citizen is most important to people Natural Rights People should do what is best for themselves
C ITIZEN V IRTUES Classical Republicanism Patriotism is the most important virtue Moral education Equality of Condition Natural Rights Virtues important to commerce – Hard Work, Frugality Respect of the law, contractual relationships
H OMEWORK - E SSAY P T HURSDAY Define the concept of delegation and explain the problems it solves when attempting collective action. What problems does delegation create?