The 1920s: Coping with Change 1920-1929 Chapter 23
Guiding Questions 1.) What economic developments underlay American prosperity of the 1920s, and how did those developments affect different social groups? 2.) What political values shaped public life in this era of Republican dominance? 3.) How did the Republicans of the 1920s promote U.S. economic interests abroad? 4.) What is meant by “mass culture”? 5.) What developments in American society contributed to creativity? Social tension?
Booming Business; Ailing Agriculture After the War Unemployment Rates during the 1920s Home Appliances and the economy Entertainment
The Auto Industry Mass Production Assembly Lines Henry Ford (Model T) General Motors Car Ownership Auto-Related Industries
Workers Wages Women’s Wages Mexican-Americans African-Americans Last hired first fired Farmers during the 1920s
Changing Businesses Henry Ford’s Approach to business Ford Dealerships General Electric and Westinghouse Chain Stores Air Conditioning
Advertising Advertising Companies Successful Marketing Techniques Installment Plans America becomes a consumer society What types of things did people buy on credit?
Women in the Workforce Female Employment Secretaries, Typists, and Filing Clerks Female Wages Traditional Female Jobs
Labor Unions Labor Union Membership Higher Wages Henry Ford Better Facilities Stock Options Welfare Capitalism
Politics Warren G. Harding Charles Forbes (Head of the Veterans Bureau) Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall The Teapot Dome Scandal Harding’s Death
Coolidge Calvin Coolidge Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon The Trickle Down Theory The Flood of 1927 The Flood Control Act 1928 The McNary-Haugen Bill
International Politics The League of Nations The Washington Naval Conference The Five Power Treaty The 5:5:3 Ratio Arms Limitations The Kellogg-Briand Pact
Women and Politics The 19th Amendment Alice Paul The Equal Rights Amendment What was the focus of the Women’s Rights Movement in the 1920s?
Mass Media Radio National Magazines The Saturday Evening Post The Movie Industry
Pop culture National Sports Heroes Babe Ruth Charles Lindbergh Cultural Values Sigmund Freud Flappers
Pop Culture F. Scott Fitzgerald Sinclair Lewis Ernest Hemingway The Lost Generation The Harlem Renaissance Langston Hughes Zora Neal Hurston Marcus Garvey
Pop Culture Georgia O’ Keeffe Jazz Louis Armstrong Duke Ellington
Immigration Restrictions National Origins Act (1924) Xenophobia Sacco and Vanzetti
New Science John T. Scopes The Scopes Trial The “Monkey” Trial The American Civil Liberties Union William Jennings Bryan Clarence Darrow's opening argument at the Scopes trial
Racial Attitudes The Rise of the KKK The Birth of a Nation
Prohibition The 18th Amendment The Volstead Act Bootleggers Speakeasies The 21st Amendment
The End of an Era Herbert Hoover Republican Dominance Overproduction Declining Demand The Great Depression