ANEM Key dillema: how to survive in the media market and reduce the effects of the financial crisis
ANEM ID Association of independent electronic media (ANEM) was founded in 1993 and officially registered in 1997, as a non-profit business organization During 1990s association united independent media in attempt to brake the monopoly of state-controlled media In the years of democratic reforms after October 2000, ANEM became promoter of independent and sustainable media, advisor and consultant in media regulatory policies and advocate for reformed and improved media scene. Today ANEM gathers over 100 stations under its umbrella – 42 full time members and 80 affiliates. There are 24 radio stations, 13 RTV stations and 5 TV stations in full-time membership along with affiliate stations - 30 radio, 36 RTV and 14 TV
ANEM Secretariat ANEM is governed by Assembly (only full time members), Managing Board and ANEM President ANEM Secretariat is responsible for: advocating for development of comprehensive media policy and regulatory framework for broadcasters; improvement of existing media regulations and working conditions for broadcasters; facilitation of communication between stations; lobbying for Association strategic goals representation and promotion of members and Association; enforcing the decisions of decision-making bodies; rendering an adequate services to member-stations In cooperation with ANEM Legal Department, Zivkovic&Samardzic Law Office, Secretariat provides legal assistance to the member stations and protects their interests
Broadcasting licenses Great majority of ANEM stations got the legal broadcasting license Out of totally 467 broadcasting licenses in Serbia, Council of Republican Broadcasting Agency allocated 95 licenses to ANEM stations (one fourth of all the licenses allocated) Majority of these licenses is for local broadcasting – 71. There are 22 stations with regional license and 2 stations (Radio B92 and TV B92) with national coverage 27 stations did not obtain the broadcasting license
Privatization The latest Government actions which halted the process of privatization left ANEM with highly diverse structure - mostly member stations are private, but certain number are not yet privatized Collision of the regulatory acts stopped the process of privatization (Broadcasting Act vs. Act on Local Self-Government). Lack of government’s comprehensive media policy, inconsistence between officially proclaimed principles and action in practice ANEM stations disabled to complete the process of ownership transformation, as well as some others- totally 64 in Serbia Unstable environment and unfavorable competitive conditions Private stations are exposed to unfair competition with illegal broadcasters and publicly owned outlets, supported by municipal budgets Several issues to be resolved: new models of privatization, disloyal competition on the market, editorial independence, etc.
Current problems Internal survey conducted among stations – 43 stations replied (all member stations, 45% of all ANEM stations with legal license) All stations report the consequences of global economic crisis. Stations report the significant shortage in advertising revenues ranging from 20% to 50%. Stations are fully aware that advertising campaigns in the companies will be primarily declared as redundant, which automatically puts media in the difficult position. One of the most significant problems is inability to collect the payments - almost 100% of stations report they cannot make effective payments of the already signed contracts with clients, highly affecting their monetary security Commercial stations are additionally burdened by high broadcasting fees (charged by RBA and RATEL) and copyright fees (charged by collective organizations SOKOJ and OFPS) Stations inform of market distortion caused by pirate and publicly owned media
Solutions to the problems Conducted internal surveys among the stations shows the stations’ fully awareness of situation and their willingness to undertake some measures to resolve the problems that are facing with; Stations need assistance of Secretariat in defining mutual crucial problems, strategy for their solution and for managing concrete actions for that purpose Some stations’ suggestions for solution to financial problems: - creation of more attractive advertising offers to advertisers - joint performance before big advertizing clients - joint productions of stations - changes of program scheme - shifting of prime-time on local and regional stations - reduction of operational costs – primarily, of RRA and RATEL fees, as well as copyright fees - layoff employees - direct support from donors
Assistance to the stations In accordance with collected responses, ANEM Secretariat plans to undertake the following actions to provide an adequate assistance to the stations: Advocating for more favorable regulation environment: - for reduction of broadcasting fees and the restrictions of the advertising on the public service broadcaster’s programs - campaigning for amending of existing laws and adoption of more constructive ones (e.g. Advertising Act, Broadcasting Act, Act on Transparency and Concentration of Media Ownership etc.) - providing the legal assistance to members - issuing or web presenting the publications on relevant themes
Assistance to the stations Advocating for more favorable market conditions: - preparing and arranging the workshops on prime issues for stations (e.g." crisis management”) - visits to stations to asses the situation on the field - organizing the joint program production - preparing and implementation of joint projects, supported by donors - joint acquisition of program content - arranging the trainings and education of managers, editors, journalists and technical staff MOST IMPORTANT- rapid and effective support from donors: - for ANEM Secretariat planned activities - for joint projects of secretariat and stations - direct financial support to stations