IREG-4 Conference, Astana PERSPEKTYWY RANKING 2009 Updated Methodological Approach Waldemar Siwiński, President, Perspektywy Education Foundation, Poland Mapping of academic excellence
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana PLAN of presentation Perspektywy Education Foundation. Perspektywy university Ranking – basic facts: target group, changes in Polish HE system, criteria of Ranking Methodology evolution Ranking credibility: consultation, presentation. Summary.
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana private, non-profit organization, IREG Secretariat, promotes Polish HE abroad program Study in Poland, organizes conferences and seminars on education, prepares and publishes rankings, Member of Academic Cooperation Association established to support HE in Poland. Perspektywy Education Foundation:
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana The Foundation in cooperation with the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland runs a multi- year program “Study in Poland” promoting Polish universities abroad. Perspektywy Education Foundation:
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana The beginnings of the Perspektywy rankings go back to Since then Perspektywy have published over 40 rankings: at first these were rankings of secondary schools – because of baby-boom period, then rankings of universities and MBA studies. The university ranking in Poland prepared by the Perspektywy Foundation annually since Published by the monthly magazine Perspektywy and the national daily newspaper Rzeczpospolita. The only ranking in Poland published continuously every year. Perspektywy Ranking History
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Prospective students - target group Warsaw University Information Day
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Changes in Polish HE system Number of HEIs increased by 175% in past decade. Growth of private HEIs sector. In 2009: 139 public and 322 private HEIs.
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Changes in Polish HE system Baby-boom students wave.
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana What is ranking? RANKING IS INFORMATION ARRANGED IN ORDER information about: universities, faculties and programs sorted and arranged to serve those who seek such information: high school graduates (and their parents) looking for college or university, academics who want to compare its own faculty with other in the field, politicians searching for tools to best (let’s hope!) allocate financial recourses.
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Two subjective factors? Depending on the purpose of a ranking there always are two subjective elements present: CRITERIA and their PERCENTAGE WEIGHT. All other factors can be objective and standardized: methodology of measuring, data verification, mode of presentation, but the selection of criteria and their weight will always remain subjective.
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Kapitula – Supervisory Board Chairman: Prof. Marek Safjan, f. President of the Constitutional Tribunal, appointed Member, European Court of Justice. Members: Prof. Marek Rocki, Senator, President of the State Accreditation Committee, Prof. Tadeusz Tołłoczko, f. Rector of the Warsaw Medical University, Waldemar Siwiński, President of the Perspektywy Education Foundation, f. President of the Polish Press Agency, Włodzimierz Kiciński, President, Nordea Bank Polska S.A., Dr Grzegorz Wójtowicz, f. Persident of the National Bank of Poland, Piotr Gabryel, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, “Rzeczpospolita”, Dr Jan Sadlak, Director, UNESCO-CEPES, Prof. Joanicjusz Nazarko, f. Rector, Bialystock Technical University, Dr Jan Krzysztof Frąckowiak, Director, Polish Science Contact Agency “PolSCA” in Brussels, Dr Jerzy Głuszczyński, Vice President, PENTOR Research International.
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana PRESTIGE - 30% Peer review (14%). Employers’ reputation (14%). Olympians’ preferences (2%). SCIENTIFIC STRENGHT - 40% Scientific potential (8%). Scientific titles awarded (8%). Growth of HEI’s own faculty (8%). Saturation with the staff with highest qualifications (4%). Rights to award scientific degrees (4%). Breadth of teaching offer (4%). Publications (2%). Citations (2%). Doctoral programs (2%). Accreditation (1%). Research projects (1%).
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana STUDYING ENVIRONMENT - 15% Student / staff ratio (6%). Printed Library stock (2%). Electronic collection (2%). Cultural opportunities (1%). Sport achievements (1%). Facilities for out of town students (1%). Individual development opportunities (2%). INTERNATIONALIZATION - 15% Students’ mobility in & outbound (5%). Programs taught in a foreign language (4%). Students studying in a foreign language (3%). Multicultural composition of student body (1%). Courses given in foreign languages (0,5%). Foreign teaching staff (1%). Summer schools (0,5%).
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Foreign students in Poland
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Year 2000: 15 criteria in 3 groups. Year 2009: 29 criteria in 4 groups.
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Supervisory Board receives proposals to introduced new criteria. Stabilization of the main group of criteria. Changes of the system reflects changes in the world. Implementing sources not available few years ago (database). New Criteria (Planned)
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana New Criteria (Planned) Introduction of „Innovation”, as a new group, with new criteria: technoparks, sturtups, patents... Modified criteria within the existed group f.e.: increased weight of „citations” in „Scientific strength”, „research centers”.
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Technoparks in Poland Wrocław Technopark
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana We know how to make rankings; the key-question now is how to gain credibility and acceptance within the: academic society, policy makers. Ranking can act as an important factor in improving quality of the higher education. Ranking Credibility
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Presentation of results is equally important as results themselves. Interactive presentation of results on the Internet. Front-pages of monthly magazine Perspektywy presenting rankings since
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Gaining Credibility Data collected primarily from sources independent from the ranked HEIs, include: Quantitative and Qualitative Survey conducted by the Perspektywy, Survey of employers conducted by PENTOR International SA, SCOPUS abstract and citation base, report on HEIs published by the Statistical Office, data available at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Maintaining credibility Consultations with academic community: independent Supervisory Board of Ranking Kapituła, collaboration with Conference of Rectors, ongoing contacts with universities, seminars for HEIs, being flexible but sticking to principles.
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Multidimensional, detailed presentation of ranked universities in Perspektywy magazine. „Publications” and „citations”.
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Multidimensional, detailed presentation of ranked universities in Perspektywy magazine. „Internationalization”.
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Award giving ceremony 2000.
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Broad presentation of results Winner of 2004 ranking, prof. Barbara Kudrycka, rector of the MBA college. Ceremony 2007: prof. Barbara Kurdrycka, the Minister of High Education awards best HEIs.
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Rankings belong to the group of tools – not unlike accreditation and benchmarking, used to improve the quality of higher education. “The outcomes of the Perspektywy University Ranking fully correspond with the results of accreditation process carried by the State Accreditation Committee. In fact the ranking provides even a fuller picture of universities, since it takes into account more factors and indicators, and analyze them deeper. Rankings, updated annually, are also more actual.” Prof. Marek Rocki, the head of the State Accreditation Committee Ranking Credibility
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Conclusions Today everything gets ranked. Instead of applauding the only winner – let’s look for strong and weak sides of various universities. Rankings offer an important tool for improving the quality of Higher Education.
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Conclusions Today everything gets ranked. Instead of applauding the only winner – let’s look for strong and weak sides of various universities. Rankings offer an important tool for improving the quality of Higher Education. It is critical how, and in what way, rankings are published and presented to the public.
PERSPEKTYWY RANKING Mapping of academic excellence IREG-4 Conference, Astana Thank you for attention Waldemar Siwiński