Optimization Problem with Simple Genetic Algorithms Cho, Dong-Yeon
Function Optimization Problem Example
Representation – Binary String Code length
Mapping from a binary string to real number
Framework of Simple GA Generate Initial Population Evaluate Fitness Select Parents Generate New Offspring Termination Condition? Yes No Fitness Function Crossover, Mutation Best Individual
Initial Population Initial population is randomly generated.
Fitness Evaluation Procedure: Evaluation Convert the chromosome’s genotype to its phenotype. This means converting binary string into relative real values. Evaluate the objective function. Convert the value of objective function into fitness. For the maximization problem, the fitness is simply equal to the value of objective function. For the minimization problem, the fitness is the reciprocal of the value of objective function.
Selection Fitness proportional (roulette wheel) selection The roulette wheel can be constructed as follows. Calculate the total fitness for the population. Calculate selection probability p k for each chromosome v k. Calculate cumulative probability q k for each chromosome v k.
Procedure: Selection Generate a random number r from the range [0,1]. If r q 1, then select the first chromosome v 1 ; else, select the kth chromosome v k (2 k pop_size) such that q k-1 < r q k.
pkpk qkqk
Genetic Operations Crossover One point crossover Crossover rate p c Procedure: Crossover Select two parents. Generate a random number r c from the range [0,1]. If r c < p c then perform undergo crossover. Mutation Mutation alters one or more genes with a probability equal to the mutation rate p m.
Experiments Various experimental setup Termination condition: maximum_generation 2 pop_size (large, small) 5 parameter settings 10 runs Parameter setting (p c, p m ) Elitism The best chromosome of the previous population is just copied. At least two test functions Example function given here (*) - maximization Rastrigin’s function –minimization Ackley’s function – minimization Schwefel’s (sine root) function – minimization
Test Functions Rastrigin’s function
Ackley’s function Schwefel’s (sine root) function
Results For each test function Result table for the best solution and your analysis f opt, (x opt, y opt ), chromosome opt among whole runs Fitness curve for the run where the best solution was found. Large (pop_size)Small (pop_size) Average SD BestWorst Average SD BestWorst Setting 1 Setting 2 Setting 3 Setting 4 Setting 5
References Source Codes Simple GA code GA libraries Web sites Books Genetic Algorithms and Engineering Design, Mitsuo Gen and Runwei Cheng, pp. 1-15, John Wiley & Sons, 1997.
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