Company Products- MAP
Company Products - Potash Potash denotes a variety of mined and manufactured salts, all containing the element potassium in water-soluble form. Although used in the manufacture of glass and soap, potash is used primarily as an agricultural fertilizer (plant nutrient) because it is a source of soluble potassium, one of the three primary plant nutrients (the others are fixed nitrogen and soluble Phosphorus).
Company Products- UAN UAN is a clean, odorless, and non-hazardous liquid fertilizer. Terra IndustriesTerra Industries is the largest producer of UAN in the United States, producing 3.85 million tons of UAN annually. UAN is used mostly in North America and only recently has been traded in international markets. Because of its high water content, UAN is expensive to transport, limiting its distribution to local regions.
Company Products- UAN
Company Products- DAP & MAP DAP (Diammonium Phosphate) and MAP (Monoammonium phosphate) are both used as a fertilizer and a fire retardant. When applied as plant food, DAP temporarily increases the Soil pH (more basic). It is incompatible with alkaline chemicals because its ammonium ion is more likely to convert to ammonia in a high-pH environment. MAP is often used in the blending of dry agricultural fertilizer and supplies soil with the elements nitrogen and phosphorus in a form which is usable by plants. (source:
Company Products- Nitrogen Based The Donaldsonville nitrogen fertilizer complex is the largest nitrogen fertilizer production facility in North America. It has four world-scale ammonia plants, four urea plants and two UAN plants. It has the annual capacity to produce approximately 2.3 million tons of ammonia (most of which is typically upgraded into urea and UAN), 2.6 million tons of liquid urea (including amounts upgraded into UAN) and 2.8 million tons of UAN.
Company Products- Nitrogen Based The Donaldsonville nitrogen fertilizer complex is the largest nitrogen fertilizer production facility in North America. It has four world-scale ammonia plants, four urea plants and two UAN plants. It has the annual capacity to produce approximately 2.3 million tons of ammonia (most of which is typically upgraded into urea and UAN), 2.6 million tons of liquid urea (including amounts upgraded into UAN) and 2.8 million tons of UAN.
Company Products- Phosphate Based The company’s Plant City phosphate fertilizer complex is one of the largest phosphate fertilizer facilities in North America. At one million tons per year, its capacity represents approximately 10% of the total U.S. capacity
Company Products- Raw Materials Natural gas is the principal raw material for Nitrogen based production (as well as the primary fuel source). Natural gas purchases accounted for approximately 52% of total total cost of sales for nitrogen fertilizers (even higher discounting depreciation. The principal raw materials for Phosphate based production are phosphate, sulfer and ammonia. The company mines Phosphate in Hardee Co., Florida. Sulfer is supplied domestically and ammonia is produced by the Nitrogen segment
Company Products- Potash
Company Products- DAP