A MMONIA Haley Kerby Madison Peddicord Jessica Kennedy
W HAT IS AMMONIA ? Most commonly produced industrial chemical in the United States NHз Part of the nitrogen cycle Produced in soil through bacterial processes and naturally through decomposition of organic matter (animals, plants, and animal wastes) Not highly flammable but containers can explode with high heat Corrosive Lighter than air
D ETECTION Ammonia is colorless Highly irritating with a pungent suffocating odor Reacts immediately upon contact with skin, eyes respiratory system, etc.
E XPOSURE Inhalation of gas or vapors Found in many cleaning substances, fertilizer, and naturally Accidental and purposeful release of the chemical
E FFECTS Inhalation: Burning of nose, throat and respiratory tract Skin or eye contact: Severe injury and burns Skin and eye irritation Permanent eye damage or blindness Ingestion: Corrosive damage to mouth throat and stomach
T REATMENTS There is no antidote for ammonia poisoning After exposure Rinse skin and eyes immediately with large amounts of water Administration of humidified oxygen Ingested ammonia is diluted with milk or water
C ASE ONE : C HICKEN PLANT FINED FOR 2009 AMMONIA DEATH Ruptured hose released ammonia killing one employee and injuring three others $27,410 fine At least five people died since 2000 after being exposed to dangerous chemicals in chicken plants N.C. Department of Labor got the company for 20 safety violations. The fines total $73,325.
C ASE people were evacuated in central China after a leak of poisonous ammonia gas at a fertilizer factory left one dead and six critically injured. A factory worker died at the site after a pipe burst at the factory, owned by the Huangmailing Phosphorus Chemical Industry Group Company fire-fighters sprayed water into the air in shifts to clear the gas. the water then flowed into the Huanhe river creating "super- high" levels of ammonia and nitrogen and threatening supplies downstream
S OURCES rgency/chemical_terrorism/ammonia_tech.htm /chicken-plant-fined-for-2009-ammonia.html 11/02/content_ htm