Dairy Center Research Projects
Skin tests as a predictor of Johne’s disease in cows and heifers An attempt to find an inexpensive and simple way to detect Johnes earlier than other tests currently available. An attempt to find an inexpensive and simple way to detect Johnes earlier than other tests currently available. Samples were collected four times over a four year span on animals 10 months of age – aged cows. Samples were collected four times over a four year span on animals 10 months of age – aged cows. Different tests results were compared. The study is still in progress in other herds. Different tests results were compared. The study is still in progress in other herds. CONCLUSION – Skin testing is a simple, effective and inexpensive way to test for Johne’s in a herd
Calf Starter & Rumen Development 60 calves were assigned to 1 of 4 calf starter treatments. Daily monitoring of calves was used to evaluate the starters for 10 weeks. Daily starter intake Daily scour score Daily body temperature Weekly bodyweights Weekly blood draws Blood samples were then frozen and sent to ISU for evaluation.
CONCLUSION – most effective program was using Calf Starter with 7.5 % grass hay This calf program showed: Increased body weight Increased feed efficiency Alters rumen VFA production Creates a more stable rumen environment Decreased starter costs significantly improved feeding profitability 4 lbs chopped hay per 50 lb bag of starter
Practical Applications of “Accelerated Calf Feeding Programs” Study looked at: Study looked at: – Daily starter and water intake – Daily scour score/Milk replacer refusal – Weekly bodyweight and height – Weekly blood draw – Recorded the time it took to feed each treatment group
Comparison of Economic Efficiencies VARIABLE NATIONAL AVERAGE EARLY WEANING ACCELERATED Birth weight, lb Weaning Age, d ADG, lb Wk Weight, lb MR Intake, lb Starter Intake, lb Gain:Feed Ratio MR Cost, $ Starter Cost, $ Total Feed Cost, $ Feed $/lb Gain $1.20$0.63$1.12
CONCLUSION: Early weaning is by far the most effective when looking at feed cost per pound of gain. Other Economic Considerations for an Early Weaning program: Labor costs Labor costs – drop over 50% after weaning in conventional program greater labor costs associated with accelerated programs – early weaning (~30 d) cuts total labor costs associated with rearing to 56 d by about 40% Housing costs Housing costs – Reduce number of hutches required by over 45%
Fresh Cow Multiple Milking Project Study looked at: 100 head : 33 heifers; 66 cows 3X; 6X-21 days; 6X-14 days. milk production: 1 st 30 day + DHI test weekly milk component weekly body condition scoring (10 w) Weekly teat ends / teat skin (8 wks) CMT at calving: culture
3X 3X6X146X21 DHI milk production by test day - Holsteins NEIDF animals * * * * P <.1 6X for 14d 4 # increase DHI test Lbs. milk
NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GROUPS for body condition score, teat ends or CMT quarter testing! CONCLUSION: Cows milked 6 times a day for the first 14 days of lactation averaged a 4 pound increase. Multiple milkings did not have to be evenly spaced – milking fresh cows at the beginning and end of milking shifts was effective.
Weekly data collection included: CMT score Teat Shape score Teat Skin score Teat End score
* Poor dip removal by milkers * Poor dip removal by milkers no other significant differences no other significant differences
CONCLUSION: Udder Gold was the most effective winter teat dip.
COMPOST BARN PROJECT Study ran from 12/2005 – 5/2007 and looked at: DHIA SCC/ milk, etc Lameness scoring 2X/week Ammonia levels: before/after stir 2X/wk Compost bacteria counts 2X/wk (before/after stir) Cleanliness, hock/ leg, comfort scores 3X/week Compost temp: 27 spots daily: 0,6,12,18”
COMPOST BARN PROJECT Temperature 65% Temperature 65% Leg/hock and comfort: score 1 (great) Leg/hock and comfort: score 1 (great) Cleanliness scores: average 3 (dirty) Cleanliness scores: average 3 (dirty) Bact counts: Gram - & streps: >10 6 ! (high) Bact counts: Gram - & streps: >10 6 ! (high) CONCLUSION: The bedded pack did not heat as expected, but the cold, wet compost proved comfortable for the cows. There was a lot of bedding and dirty, content cows. There were very low ammonia and other gas levels.
The effect on the immune system of no dry period vs. a 45- day dry period Study looked at: 25 2 nd or greater lactation cows were randomly selected to a dry cow treatment. Cows with no dry period: ► Low lactation ration ► BST Cows with a 45 day dry period: ► Dry cow ration ► Close-up ration 3 weeks pre-calving Vaccination protocols were kept the same between both treatment groups
Data collection of no dry period vs. dry period ► 3 weeks prior to calving blood draws 3 times a week until 3 weeks postcalving Analyzed for white blood cell counts and rabies antibody titer. ► WBC ability to produce gamma interferon CONCLUSION: Calcium levels were the same in both groups, so milk fever levels were the same. It is recommended that older cows have a dry period as it hard on them physically not to. (see graph, next slide)
Days Around Calving Calcium (mg/dl)
BVD Vaccination Project This project is addressing whether the vaccination as a neonate will be negated by the presence of maternal antibodies This project is addressing whether the vaccination as a neonate will be negated by the presence of maternal antibodies Efficacy of multiple vaccinations with a modified live vaccine verses a combination of modified live and killed vaccines. Efficacy of multiple vaccinations with a modified live vaccine verses a combination of modified live and killed vaccines.
BVD Vaccination Project To date: To date: Northeast Iowa Community Based Dairy Foundation Cattle have all been tested for BVD Northeast Iowa Community Based Dairy Foundation Cattle have all been tested for BVD 200 heifers are enrolled in the vaccination trial 200 heifers are enrolled in the vaccination trial Ages currently range from about 7 months –post fresh Ages currently range from about 7 months –post fresh Data collection includes: Data collection includes: Vaccination records Vaccination records Pre and post vaccination blood sample Pre and post vaccination blood sample Health records Health records 10 day temperature of neonates 10 day temperature of neonates Weekly bodyweights Weekly bodyweights Calfhood & Prebreeding Bodyweights Calfhood & Prebreeding Bodyweights This study has not yet concluded. This study has not yet concluded.
Other Research & Demonstration Projects Tail-docking/Cow cleanliness – CONCLUSION: Depends on facilities. In our freestall barn the cows stay cleaner with docked tails, at the compost barn at Grazing Center they leave tail intact. Tail-docking/Cow cleanliness – CONCLUSION: Depends on facilities. In our freestall barn the cows stay cleaner with docked tails, at the compost barn at Grazing Center they leave tail intact. Use of extended day lighting in free stall barn – CONCLUSION: recommended, and we will continue using it Use of extended day lighting in free stall barn – CONCLUSION: recommended, and we will continue using it Mortality and Manure Composting – CONCLUSION: Both can be successfully used, we continue to compost mortalities after the demonstration project as it works well here Mortality and Manure Composting – CONCLUSION: Both can be successfully used, we continue to compost mortalities after the demonstration project as it works well here