Fabrication pH Electrode Using Lift-Off Method and Electrodeposition Presented by Na Zhang
What ’ s the Problem? How to create clear windows in the substrate? How to create clear windows in the substrate?
How to solve the problem? Lift-Off Method Lift-Off Method LOL-2000 (bottom) S Photoresist (top)
pH Sensitivity Electrode # _630s_30s_ph678_1.bin
Electrode # _630s_30s_ph678_1.bin
Reference Procedure 1) Clean substrate 2) Spin spacer layer 3000 rpm for 200nm thickness 3) Bake 140 C on hot plate for 5 minutes 4) Spin resist layer 4000 rpm for 1.3 um thickness 5) Bake 110 C on hot plate for 2 minutes 6) Expose through pattern mask, 2.45 mW/cm2 (110 mJ/cm^2 nominally)at UV250 mask aligner, intensity measured using the 400nm probe mW/cm2 (150 mJ/cm^2 nominally) at UV400 mask aligner. 7) Develop in MF319 for 30 sec, CAREFUL agitation 8) Rinse in DI water 9) Blow dry CAREFULLY. 10) Ash at 50W 250mTorr Oxygen for 30 s 11) Deposit thin film 12) Lift off in NMP (Remover 1165)