Lesson 1 Mental and Emotional Wellness 1 Mental and Emotional Wellness L E S S O N
Journal Question When was the last time you had a strong emotional reaction to a situation? Describe the situation and reflect on why it triggered such a strong reaction. Can you identify any personality characteristics you have that might have played a part in your reaction?
Emotional Wellness Emotional wellness is the part of your overall wellness that deals with your values, attitudes, and beliefs. People with good emotional wellness –understand their life circumstances, –use the choices and options available to them, –assess situations accurately, and –make decisions in the best interest of themselves and others.
Indicators of Good Emotional Health
Emotional Health How you feel and how you react to situations based on how you feel People with good emotional health –use their thoughts to understand and control the impact emotions have on behavior, and –allow themselves and others the time and space to have appropriate emotional responses.
Personality The unique qualities and traits that distinguish you from others Healthy personality traits –Conscientiousness –Emotional stability –Openness to experience –Optimism –Assertiveness –Resilience
Self-Esteem Tips for improving self-esteem: –Accept who you are. –Keep track of your accomplishments. –Develop your own values. –Accept your strengths and weaknesses and set goals for yourself. –Don’t be afraid to take healthy risks. –Have friends who support you. –Respect yourself and others. –Join groups that promote your self-esteem.
Body Image Body image involves your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors associated with your body size, shape, or appearance. Body image is subjective; it is not how you actually look. Body image is influenced by these factors: Media Parents Friends Teachers, coaches, and other adults
Spiritual Wellness Spirituality is a person’s sense of purpose and meaning in life beyond material values. Spirituality includes these aspects: –Relationships –Values –Sense of purpose in life
Spiritual Practices Physical pursuits such as yoga, relaxation techniques, outdoor pursuits Contemplation or meditation Mindfulness Prayer Altruism Worship and religious practice