PURIFYING COPPER METAL This shows how very pure copper is produced from crude copper metal.This shows how very pure copper is produced from crude copper metal. It needs to be very pure for things like ELECTRICAL WIRES so that they conduct very well.It needs to be very pure for things like ELECTRICAL WIRES so that they conduct very well.
We use electrolysis to move the copper from an impure lump to a piece of pure copper. THROUGH THE SOLUTION ! CRUDECu PURE Cu + Impurities
We need a solution of Copper ions Cu 2+ We’ll use Copper Sulphate
Next we need a piece of IMPURE copper IMPURE copper
We make it the positive electrode
Then we add a thin pure copper electrode
And make it the negative electrode ---- With negative electrons waiting to be collected
---- Positive copper ions in the solution move to the negative electrode Cu 2+
---- They collect 2 electrons each and become Cu atoms that COAT the electrode Cu atoms that COAT the electrode Cu 2+
Cu Cu e → Cu Cu
At the same time Copper atoms give up 2 electrons each and enter the solution from the IMPURE copper Cu Cu e Cu Cu Cu Cu
At the same time Copper atoms give up 2 electrons each and enter the solution from the IMPURE copper Cu → Cu e Cu Cu Cu 2+
Cu Cu Cu → Cu e Cu 2+
Cu Cu And they then move across through the solution to NEGATIVE ELCTRODE NEGATIVE ELCTRODE Cu 2+
Cu Cu The impurities then fall to the bottom as the copper coats NEGATIVE ELECTRODE
Cu Cu Cu 2+
Cu Cu
Cu Cu
Cu Cu
Cu Cu Eventually all of the copper moves across and the POSITIVE electrode disappears
Cu Cu Cu 2+
Cu Cu Cu Cu
Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu
Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu
Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu
Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu We eventually get a fat pure copper electrode as all of the copper is deposited onto it is deposited onto it
We eventually get a fat pure copper electrode as all of the copper is deposited onto it is deposited onto it PureCu
That’s all, folks!!