Carbon Carbon Oxidation # = ? Carbon Oxidation # = 4.


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Presentation transcript:


Carbon Oxidation # = ?

Carbon Oxidation # = 4

Carbon 4 # Bonds = ?

Carbon Oxidation # = 4 # Bonds = 4

Organic Chemistry

Organic -

Organic Chemistry Organic - “of living things”

Organic Compound

A compound that contains Carbon

Straight Chains -


Branched Chains -

Rings -

6 Carbon

Rings - 6 Carbon

Rings - 6 Carbon 5 Carbon

Rings -




Hydrocarbon A compound that contains Carbon and Hydrogen


Hydrocarbon Naming….


Meth 1

Eth 2

Meth 1 Eth 2 Prop 3

Meth 1 Eth 2 Prop 3 But 4

Meth 1 Eth 2 Prop 3 But 4 Pent 5

Meth 1 Eth 2 Prop 3 But 4 Pent 5 Hex 6

Meth 1 Eth 2 Prop 3 But 4 Pent 5 Hex 6 Hept 7

Meth 1 Eth 2 Prop 3 But 4 Pent 5 Hex 6 Hept 7 Oct 8

Meth 1 Eth 2 Prop 3 But 4 Pent 5 Hex 6 Hept 7 Oct 8 Non 9

Meth 1 Eth 2 Prop 3 But 4 Pent 5 Hex 6 Hept 7 Oct 8 Dec 10 Non 9



Alkane Alkene

Alkane Alkene Alkyne

Alkane Alkene Alkyne ends in “ane”

Alkane Alkene Alkyne ends in “ene”

Alkane Alkene Alkyne ends in “ane” ends in “ene” ends in “yne”

Alkane Alkene Alkyne Single bonds

Alkane Alkene Alkyne Double bond

Alkane Alkene Alkyne Single bonds Double bond Triple bond

Saturated Hydrocarbon

Has ONLY single bonds

Saturated Hydrocarbon Has ONLY single bonds All the Hydrogen it can hold

Unsaturated Hydrocarbon

Has double or triple bonds

Unsaturated Hydrocarbon Has double or triple bonds Does NOT have all the Hydrogen it can hold Does NOT have all the Hydrogen it can hold


Alkane Propane

Alkane Straight Propane

Alkane StraightSaturated Propane

Alkane StraightSaturated Propane C3H8C3H8C3H8C3H8



PropeneAlkene Straight

PropeneAlkene StraightUnsaturated

PropeneAlkene StraightUnsaturated C3H6C3H6C3H6C3H6



PropyneAlkyne Straight

PropyneAlkyne StraightUnsaturated

PropyneAlkyne StraightUnsaturated C3H4C3H4C3H4C3H4

Structural Formula

Chemical Formula



Isomer Same chemical formula

Isomer Different structural formula


Butane Alkane

Butane Alkane Straight

Butane Alkane StraightSaturated

C 4 H 10


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