Hazardous Waste Oregon State University Environmental Health and Safety
Hazardous Defined Flammable (flashpoint <140 o F) Many organic solvents Oxidizers Corrosive (pH 12) Acids & bases Materials that corrode metal
Hazardous (Cont.) Reactive (water reactive, explosive) Sodium metal Cyanides & sulfides Toxic Cause injury or illness by exposure Poisons Metals (As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg, Se, Ag)
Waste Defined Used or spent chemicals (process or experiment) Old or unwanted chemicals Ask yourself: would I use this chemical In a critical experiment? For a critical maintenance activity?
Waste (Cont.) Materials from a spill cleanup have exceeded printed expiration date that become unstable on storage and are past useful date (diethyl ether, dioxane, tetrahydrofuran)
Waste Determination OSU must perform determination on all chemicals disposed Use HW criteria to perform determination on specific waste streams EH&S can provide a waste determination in a matter of minutes
Special Waste Aerosol cans and gas cylinders Hazardous unless open to the atmosphere Syringes Defined as sharps in Oregon Collect in hard sided leak-proof sharps container
Special Waste (Cont.) Broken glass Collect in medium size box Label box “broken glass” Lab personnel take to garbage Waste covered by other programs Biohazardous Radioactive
Universal Waste “Universal” – common to all –Batteries –Fluorescent light tubes & ballasts –Mercury-containing devices –Waste oil –See separate EH&S training
Satellite Waste Managment Waste in labs/shops is by regulation in a “satellite accumulation” area Keep up to 55 gals of waste at area of generation Specific rules apply –Detailed on following pages
Containers Appropriate size & type Good condition NON-LEAKING Compatible with contained waste Closed when not actively adding waste Remove funnels after 30 seconds of draining NO evaporation of hazardous waste is ever permitted
Solvent Containers EH&S containers –Reusable –Available for frequent generators –Solvents –Dilute acids & bases –Not for toxic or reactive waste
Container Storage Store waste compatibly Liquids –Secondary containment trays Observe hazardous materials limits –Floammable liquids >10 gal in flammable liquid cabinets
Container lids Waste container lids must be: –Screw-top –Non-leaking and tight fitting –Not cracked, broken or chemically damaged NOT acceptable: –Rubber stoppers –Plastic snap lids –Parafilm or foil
Labels Label containers PRIOR to adding waste –Deface existing labels Fill out hazardous waste label completely –Include constituent and concentration or % Original manufacturer labels are acceptable if no other material has been added Improperly labeled waste will not be removed
OSU Hazardous Waste Label Available from on EH&S web site
Unknowns Avoid unknowns by good labeling and frequent inventory EH&S can characterize unknown waste, but –It takes a lot of time away from pickups –It takes a lot of materials Please note on waste pickup request
Point of Generation Waste must be stored at or near the point of generation Waste must be under control of “operator of the process” that generates the waste Filled containers must stay in original room
Waste Minimization Wherever possible, reduce generation of waste –Substitute for hazardous chemicals –Buy in quantity to meet needs –Change technology (e.g., digital photography) –Use non-mercury thermometers
Chemical Recycling Unopened or partially used original containers High quality with good modern labels Available to interested parties at OSU – no cost Lab chemicals – NOT to be given or sold to general public or offered as surplus property Commercial chemical products - may be offered as surplus property if reasonable cautions are followed
Non-Hazardous Solid Waste Can be disposed in trash: –Must be determined to be non-hazardous –Securely seal chemical in cardboard box and label “non-hazardous chemicals” –Place in outdoor garbage
Liquid Drain Disposal Liquids only Strictly forbidden if hazardous waste Corvallis drain disposal regulations: –NO liquids > 150 o F –NO flam. liquids with explosive potential –NO fat, oil, grease > 100 ppm –pH values 6 to 9 Non-toxic acids & bases can be neutralized and discharged
Waste Categories Lab pack Non-halogenated Halogen solvent Aqueous liquid Organic solid Inorganic solid Acid inorganic Organic corrosive Inorganic alkali Hg debris Hg compounds Batteries (nicad, alkaline, lithium) High hazard Oil paint Unknown
Where Does the Waste Go? Landfill Incinerator Chemical Reactor Nuclear Reactor Fuel Retort
How Much Does Waste Cost OSU? In order of waste volume (cost per pound) : –Fuel ($0.37) –Incinerator ($2.16) –Chemical Reactor ($0.37) –Retort ($3.38) –Landfill ($0.56) Segregate your waste
How Much Does Waste Cost YOU? What does waste pickup cost your lab- department-college? –Nothing –Zero –$0
When Should YOU Get Rid of Waste Anytime When done generating that waste Would you trust this chemical –In a critical experiment? –For a critical maintenance activity?
Waste Pickup Request EH&S website – waste pickup form – Request empty 20-liter containers Include information on lab clean-outs EH&S collects roughly 90 tons of waste per year
Test What is wrong here? –What isn’t? –Funnel –Label - both –“Hazardous Waste” –Secondary containment